Quantum Information Theory

Updating the Roadmap and QICS


The Virtual Institutes have been contacted to start work on the final update of the QIPC Roadmap and the QICS.

The update is expected for the end of the QUIE2T project, i.e. Feb 2013. It is expected that the QIPC Roadmap and the Quantum Information Classification Scheme are going to see a new major revision within the next few months.

Bell inequalities with no quantum violation and unextendible product bases


R. Augusiak, J. Stasinska, C. Hadley, J. K. Korbicz, M. Lewenstein, A. Acín


Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 070401 (2011)

The strength of classical correlations is subject to certain constraints, commonly known as Bell inequalities. Violation of these inequalities is the manifestation of nonlocality---displayed, in particular, by quantum mechanics, meaning that quantum mechanics can outperform classical physics at tasks associated with such Bell inequalities. Interestingly, however, there exist situations in which this is not the case.

Fully nonlocal quantum correlations


Leandro Aolita, Rodrigo Gallego, Antonio Acín, Andrea Chiuri, Giuseppe Vallone, Paolo Mataloni, Adán Cabello


Phys. Rev. A 85, 032107 (2012)

Quantum mechanics is a nonlocal theory, but not as nonlocal as the no-signalling principle allows. However, there exist quantum correlations that exhibit maximal nonlocality: they are as nonlocal as any nonsignalling correlation and thus have a local content, quantified by the fraction pL of events admitting a local description, equal to zero.

Q-ESSENCE Project meeting

2012-02-09 - 2012-02-10
ICFO, Barcelona, Spain

The next Q-ESSENCE Consortium meeting will take place in Barcelona at the ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences on the 09-10.02.2012. The exact schedule of the meeting can be found on the INTRANET website.


Full Name: 
Quantum Computer Science
Prof. Andris AMBAINIS
Running time: 
2010-09-01 - 2013-08-31

The QCS project aims to study computer science aspects of Quantum Information Science, with an ultimate goal of designing new quantum algorithms and quantum communication protocols.

Stiffness in 1D matrix product states with periodic boundary conditions


D. Rossini, V. Giovannetti, and R. Fazio,


J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P05021

We discuss in detail a modified variational matrix product state algorithm for periodic boundary conditions, based on a recent work by Pippan et al (2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 081103(R)), which enables one to study large systems on a ring (composed of N ~ 102 sites). In particular, we introduce a couple of improvements allowing us to enhance the algorithm in terms of stability and reliability. We employ such a method to compute the stiffness of one-dimensional strongly correlated quantum lattice systems.

High-fidelity quantum driving


M. G. Bason, M. Viteau, N. Malossi, P. Huillery, E. Arimondo, D. Ciampini, R. Fazio, V. Giovannetti, R. Mannella, and O. Morsch


Nature Phys. 8, 147-152 (2012)

Accurately controlling a quantum system is a fundamental requirement in quantum information processing and the coherent manipulation of molecular systems. The ultimate goal in quantum control is to prepare a desired state with the highest fidelity allowed by the available resources and the experimental constraints. Here we experimentally implement two optimal high-fidelity control protocols using a two-level quantum system comprising Bose–Einstein condensates in optical lattices.

Two-photon quantum interference from separate nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond


H. Bernien, L. Childress, L. Robledo, M. Markham, D. Twitchen, R. Hanson


Physical Review Letters 108, 043604 (2012)

We report on the observation of quantum interference of the emission from two separate nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. Taking advantage of optically induced spin polarization in combination with polarization filtering, we isolate a single transition within the zero-phonon line of the non-resonantly excited NV centers. The time-resolved two-photon interference contrast of this filtered emission reaches 66%. Furthermore, we observe quantum interference from dissimilar NV centers tuned into resonance through the dc Stark effect.

High-fidelity projective readout of a solid-state spin quantum register


Lucio Robledo, Lilian Childress, Hannes Bernien, Bas Hensen, Paul F. A. Alkemade, Ronald Hanson


Nature 477, 547-578

Initialization and read-out of coupled quantum systems are essential ingredients for the implementation of quantum algorithms1, 2. Single-shot read-out of the state of a multi-quantum-bit (multi-qubit) register would allow direct investigation of quantum correlations (entanglement), and would give access to further key resources such as quantum error correction and deterministic quantum teleportation1. Although spins in solids are attractive candidates for scalable quantum information processing, their single-shot detection has been achieved only for isolated qubits3, 4, 5, 6.

Generating Entanglement and Squeezed States of Nuclear Spins in Quantum Dots


M. S. Rudner, L. M. K. Vandersypen, V. Vuletić, and L. S. Levitov


Physical Review Letters 107, 206806

We present a scheme for achieving coherent spin squeezing of nuclear spin states in semiconductor quantum dots. The nuclear polarization dependence of the electron spin resonance generates a unitary evolution that drives nuclear spins into a collective entangled state. The polarization dependence of the resonance generates an area-preserving, twisting dynamics that squeezes and stretches the nuclear spin Wigner distribution without the need for nuclear spin flips. Our estimates of squeezing times indicate that the entanglement threshold can be reached in current experiments. 

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