Quantum Computation

Vandersypen team at TU-Delft cause electrons to jump between distant quantum dots


electrons transported between quantum dots...

Scientists from Delft University of Technology and the FOM Foundation have successfully allowed electrons to jump between quantum dots located far from each other. The electron jumped between the ends of a chain of three small semiconducting islands (so-called quantum dots) without crossing the island in the middle.

TU Delft researchers entangle quantum bits by measurement and feedback control


Two superconducting qubits entangled!

For more information, navigate to http://dicarlolab.tudelft.nl/entangling-quantum-circuits-by-measurement/ 

Dissipative production of a maximally entangled steady state

2013-07-16 - 2013-10-17

Y. Lin, J. P. Gaebler, F. Reiter, T. R. Tan, R. Bowler, A. S. Sørensen, D. Leibfried, D. J. Wineland


Nature 504, 415–418 (19 December 2013) doi:10.1038/nature12801

Entangled states are a key resource in fundamental quantum physics, quantum cryp-tography, and quantum computation [1].To date, controlled unitary interactions applied to a quantum system, so-called "quantum gates", have been the most widely used method to deterministically create entanglement [2].

Majorana Physics in Condensed Matter

2013-07-12 - 2013-07-18
Erice, Sicily, Italy

The Conference "Majorana Physics in Condensed Matter" will be held at the EMFCSC from July 12 to 18, 2013 as an event of the International School of Solid State Physics.

A tentative list of topics that will be discussed during the event include:

Precision measurements in ion traps using slowly moving standing waves


Walther, A.; Poschinger, U.; Singer, K.; Schmidt-Kaler, F.



DOI: 10.1007/s00340-011-4740-8
Bibliographic Code: 2012ApPhB.107.1061W

The present paper describes the experimental implementation of a measuring technique employing a slowly moving, near-resonant, optical standing wave in the context of trapped ions. It is used to measure several figures of merit that are important for quantum computation in ion traps and which are otherwise not easily obtainable.

Correlated Photon Emission from Multiatom Rydberg Dark States


J. D. Pritchard, C. S. Adams, K. Mølmer,


URL: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.043601
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.043601
PACS: 42.50.Ar, 03.65.Yz, 32.80.Rm, 42.50.Gy

We consider three-level atoms driven by two resonant light fields in a ladder scheme where the upper level is a highly excited Rydberg state.

Can One Trust Quantum Simulators?


P. Hauke, F. M. Cucchietti, L. Tagliacozzo, M. Lewenstein, I. Deutsch



Various quantum phenomena like high-Tc superconductivity or quark confinement are still awaiting universally accepted explanations, because of the computational complexity of solving simplified theoretical models designed to capture their relevant physics. Feynman suggested solving such models by "quantum simulation" with a device designed to obey the same quantum many-body dynamics. So far, the community has mostly focused on developing the \emph{controllability} of quantum simulators.

New York Times writes about quantum computers


The New York Times, issue March 21 2013, brings an article on quantum computers.

Read the article on line at http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/22/technology/testing-a-new-class-of-spee...

Heterotic Computing

2013-11-07 - 2013-11-08
Chicheley, UK

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to announce and invite you to participate in a Theo Murphy Discussion Meeting at the Royal Society's Chicheley Hall 7-8 November 2013.

** Heterotic computing: exploiting hybrid computational devices **

UBC - Max-Planck workshop "From Quantum Matter to Quantum Information"

2013-06-24 - 2013-06-27
Vancouver, Canada

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together leading researchers in the fields of quantum information and quantum optics & materials science, and to educate and update the participating scientific community on the recent developments-both theoretical and experimental-in the fields of `Quantum computation and simulation', `Topological quantum codes', and `Integrated quantum systems'. The speakers will address, among others, the following questions:

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