Quantum Engineering


Full Name: 
Hybrid Optomechanical Technologies
EPFL / Prof. Tobias J. Kippenberg
Running time: 
2017-01-01 - 2020-12-31

HOT is a 4-year FET Proactive project that will lay the foundation for a new generation of devices that connect or even contain several nano-scale platforms in a single “hybrid” system. These hybrid devices will allow the exploitation of the unique advantages of each subsystem, thus enabling entirely novel functionalities.


Full Name: 
Optomechanical Technologies
EPFL / Prof. Tobias J. Kippenberg
Running time: 
2016-10-01 - 2020-09-30

A H2020 Marie Curie Skłodowska - European Training Network (ETN) coordinated by EPFL

OMT is a Marie Curie collaborative research and training network focused on exploring new applications of Optomechanical Technologies (OMT), which brings together 14 EU partners, including IBM and Bosch. OMT kicked off on 1st October 2016, offering 15 PhD students (early-stage researchers) the opportunity to join leading research groups and participate in competitive experiments.

Quantum Technology Group

Research Type: 

Technological developments enable us to manipulate and control quantum effects at an increasingly advanced level of sophistication. This gives new opportunities e.g. within communication, metrology, sensors, simulation and computation. Quantum technology will affect global communication networks and security on the internet.

Our research is concentrated on quantum mechanical measurement theory and quantum metrology, quantum opto-mechanics, quantum optics, entanglement, nonlocality and quantum information.

Lars M. Johansen

QuantERA launches a joint transnational call on Quantum Technologies research


QuantERA launched its first joint transnational call (Call 2017) for proposals worth € 34 M in support of transnational research in the field of Quantum Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (Q-ICST).

Thirty research funding organisations from 26 countries throughout take part in the Call that has a deadline for pre-proposals on the 15th of March 2015.

The Call covers six main topics in the Q-ICST field:


2017-06-26 - 2017-06-30
Registration deadline: 
2017-05-01 (All day)
Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, DK

The central european workshop on quantum optics will take place 26-30 June at the Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, in the beautiful surroundings of Lyngby (near Copenhagen). Information about the event can be found here www.cewqo2017.dk .The conference is preceded by a PhD summer school in optical quantum technology.


Research Type: 

The spectroscopy studies of fabricated nanostructures

Wieslaw Strek, Prof.

Mesoscopic Transport and Quantum Coherence 2017, QTC 2017

2017-08-05 - 2017-08-08
Registration deadline: 
2017-07-20 (All day)
Espoo, Finland

This conference brings together experts working on topics involving quantum effects in electron transport, superconducting qubits and hybrid circuits, quantum thermodynamics, circuit QED, cavity optomechanics, topological and 2D materials. It is the official satellite of the 28th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics LT28,  and is endorsed by the IUPAP.

CQ - Cold-atom solid-state hybrid quantum systems

Research Type: 

cold-atom solid state hydbrid quantum systems, atom chip, atomic clock, BEC, atom laser, atom-surface interaction, cold-atom scanning probe microscopy, Rydberg atoms, QIP

Jozsef Fortagh

Quantum Optics

Research Type: 

Cavity QED, Bose-Einstein condensation, quantum critical phenomena

Peter Domokos

9th Optoelectronics and Photonics Winter School: IQP – Integrated Quantum Photonics

2017-03-26 - 2017-04-01
Registration deadline: 
2017-02-28 (All day)
Folgaria (Trento), Italy

The Optoelectronics and Photonics Winter Schools are biannual meetings which address relevant arguments of Optoelectronics and Photonics. The School has the tradition to bring together a large number of PhD students and young researchers from all parts of the world who, in a one-week of an intense program, follow a series of lectures on selected topics. The lectures are held by internationally recognized experts in the field. At the same time, the students are encouraged to enjoy the beautiful location where the school is organized.

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