24.40.+h High efficiency sources

Precise ultra fast single qubit control using optimal control pulses


J. Scheuer, Xi Kong, R. S. Said, J. Chen, A. Kurz, L. Marseglia, J. Du, P. R. Hemmer, S. Montangero, T. Calarco, B. Naydenov, F. Jelezko


Journal reference: New J. Phys. 16, 093022 (2014)
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/16/9/093022

Ultra fast and accurate quantum operations are required in many modern scientific areas - for instance quantum information, quantum metrology and magnetometry. However the accuracy is limited if the Rabi frequency is comparable with the transition frequency due to the breakdown of the rotating wave approximation (RWA). Here we report the experimental implementation of a method based on optimal control theory, which does not suffer these restrictions.

Interfacing GHz-bandwidth heralded single photons with a room-temperature Raman quantum memory


P. S. Michelberger, T. F. M. Champion, M. R. Sprague, K. T. Kaczmarek, M. Barbieri, X. M. Jin, D. G. England, W. S. Kolthammer, D. J. Saunders, J. Nunn, I. A. Walmsley


quant-ph > arXiv:1405.1470

Photonics is a promising platform for quantum technologies. However, photon sources and two-photon gates currently only operate probabilistically. Large-scale photonic processing will therefore be impossible without a multiplexing strategy to actively select successful events.

Broadband single-photon-level memory in a hollow-core photonic crystal fibre


M. R. Sprague, P. S. Michelberger, T. F. M. Champion, D. G. England, J. Nunn, X.-M. Jin, W. S. Kolthammer, A. Abdolvand, P. St. J. Russell & I. A. Walmsley


Nature Photonics 8, 287–291 (2014)


Storing information encoded in light is critical for realizing optical buffers for all-optical signal processing

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