15.10.Ne Neutral atoms: electronic states

Nanoplasmonic Lattices for Ultracold Atoms


M. Gullans, T. Tiecke, D.E. Chang, J. Feist, J.D. Thompson, J.I. Cirac, P. Zoller, M.D. Lukin


Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 235309 (2012)

We propose to use subwavelength confinement of light associated with the near field of plasmonic systems to create nanoscale optical lattices for ultracold atoms. Our approach combines the unique coherence properties of isolated atoms with the subwavelength manipulation and strong light-matter interaction associated with nanoplasmonic systems. It allows one to considerably increase the energy scales in the realization of Hubbard models and to engineer effective long-range interactions in coherent and dissipative many-body dynamics.

Observation of squeezed light from one atom excited with two photons


A. Ourjoumtsev, A. Kubanek, M. Koch, C. Sames, P.W.H. Pinkse, G. Rempe, K. Murr


Nature 474, 623 (2011)

Single quantum emitters such as atoms are well known as non-classical light sources with reduced noise in the intensity, capable of producing photons one by one at given times. However, the light field emitted by a single atom can exhibit much richer dynamics. A prominent example is the predicted ability of a single atom to produce quadrature-squeezed light, which has fluctuations of amplitude or phase that are below the shot-noise level. However, such squeezing is much more difficult to observe than the emission of single photons.

Feedback control of a single atom in an optical cavity


A. Kubanek, M. Koch, C. Sames, A. Ourjoumtsev, T. Wilk, P.W.H. Pinkse, G. Rempe


Applied Physics B 102, 433 (2011)
doi: 10.1007/s00340-011-4410-x

We discuss feedback control of the motion of a single neutral atom trapped inside a high-finesse optical cavity. Based on the detection of single photons from a probe beam transmitted through the cavity, the position of the atom in the trap is estimated. Following this information, the trapping potential is switched between a high and a low value in order to counteract the atomic motion. This allowed us to increase the storage time by about one order of magnitude.

Three-Photon Correlations in a Strongly Driven Atom-Cavity System


M. Koch, C. Sames, M. Balbach, H. Chibani, A. Kubanek, K. Murr, T. Wilk, G. Rempe


Physical Review Letters 107, 023601 (2011)

The quantum dynamics of a strongly driven, strongly coupled single-atom-cavity system is studied by evaluating time-dependent second- and third-order correlations of the emitted photons. The coherent energy exchange, first, between the atom and the cavity mode, and second, between the atom-cavity system and the driving laser, is observed. Three-photon detections show an asymmetry in time, a consequence of the breakdown of detailed balance. The results are in good agreement with theory and are a first step towards the control of a quantum trajectory at larger driving strength.

Quantum computing implementations with neutral particles


A. Negretti, P. Treutlein, T. Calarco


Quantum Inf. Process. 10, 721 (2011).
From the issue entitled "Special Issue on Neutral Particles".

We review quantum information processing with cold neutral particles, that is, atoms or polar molecules. First, we analyze the best suited degrees of freedom of these particles for storing quantum information, and then we discuss both single- and two-qubit gate implementations. We focus our discussion mainly on collisional quantum gates, which are best suited for atom-chip-like devices, as well as on gate proposals conceived for optical lattices.

The excitation of a two level atom with a propagating light pulse


Y. Wang, L. Sheridan, V. Scarani



State mapping between atoms and photons, and photon-photon interactions play an important role in scalable quantum information processing. We consider the interaction of a two-level atom with a quantized \textit{propagating} pulse in free space and study the probability $P_e(t)$ of finding the atom in the excited state at any time $t$. This probability is expected to depend on (i) the quantum state of the pulse field and (ii) the overlap between the pulse and the dipole pattern of the atomic spontaneous emission.

Analyzing quantum jumps of one and two atoms strongly coupled to an optical cavity


S. Reick, K. Mølmer, W. Alt, M. Eckstein, T. Kampschulte, L. Kong, R. Reimann, A. Thobe, A. Widera, D. Meschede


Journal Opt. Soc. Am. B 27, A152 (2010)

We induce quantum jumps between the hyperfine ground states of one and two cesium atoms, strongly coupled to the mode of a high-finesse optical resonator, and analyze the resulting random telegraph signals. We identify experimental parameters to deduce the atomic spin state non destructively from the stream of photons transmitted through the cavity, achieving a compromise between a good signal-to-noise ratio and minimal measurement-induced perturbations.

Prospects for fast Rydberg gates on an atom chip


Matthias M. Müller, Harald R. Haakh, Tommaso Calarco, Christiane P. Koch, Carsten Henkel

Atom chips are a promising candidate for a scalable architecture for quantum information processing provided a universal set of gates can be implemented with high fidelity. The difficult part in achieving universality is the entangling two-qubit gate. We consider a Rydberg phase gate for two atoms trapped on a chip and employ optimal control theory to find the shortest gate that still yields a reasonable gate error. Our parameters correspond to a situation where the Rydberg blockade regime is not yet reached.

Optimizing entangling quantum gates for physical systems


M. M. Müller, D. M. Reich, M. Murphy, H. Yuan, J. Vala, K. B. Whaley, T. Calarco, C. P. Koch


Phys. Rev. A 84, 042315 (2011).

Optimal control theory is a versatile tool that presents a route to significantly improving figures of merit for quantum information tasks. We combine it here with the geometric theory for local equivalence classes of two-qubit operations to derive an optimization algorithm that determines the best entangling two-qubit gate for a given physical setting. We demonstrate the power of this approach for trapped polar molecules and neutral atoms.

From Rotating Atomic Rings to Quantum Hall States


M. Roncaglia, M. Rizzi, and J. Dalibard



Considerable efforts are currently devoted to the preparation of ultracold neutral atoms in the emblematic strongly correlated quantum Hall regime. The routes followed so far essentially rely on thermodynamics, i.e. imposing the proper Hamiltonian and cooling the system towards its ground state. In rapidly rotating 2D harmonic traps the role of the transverse magnetic field is played by the angular velocity.

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