07.10.+r State representations (quasi-probability distributions, Poincare’ sphere, Stokes parameters, etc.)

Matrix-Product Operators and States: NP-Hardness and Undecidability


M. Kliesch, D. Gross, and J. Eisert


Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014); DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.160503

Tensor network states constitute an important variational set of quantum states for numerical studies of strongly correlated systems in condensed-matter physics, as well as in mathematical physics. This is specifically true for finitely correlated states or matrix-product operators, designed to capture mixed states of one-dimensional quantum systems.

Purifications of multipartite states: limitations and constructive methods


G. De las Cuevas, N. Schuch, D. Pérez-García, J. I. Cirac


New Journal of Physics 15, 123021 (2013)

We analyze the description of quantum many-body mixed states using matrix product states and operators. We consider two such descriptions: (i) as a matrix product density operator of bond dimension D, and (ii) as a purification that is written as a matrix product state of bond dimension D'. We show that these descriptions are inequivalent in the sense that D' cannot be upper bounded by D only. Then we provide two constructive methods to obtain (ii) out of (i).

Tomographic reconstruction of the Wigner function on the Bloch sphere


R. Schmied and P. Treutlein


New J. Phys. 13, 065019 (2011)

We present a filtered backprojection algorithm for reconstructing the Wigner function of a system of large angular momentum j from Stern–Gerlach-type measurements. Our method is advantageous over the full determination of the density matrix in that it is insensitive to experimental fluctuations in j, and allows for a natural elimination of high-frequency noise in the Wigner function by taking into account the experimental uncertainties in the determination of j, its projection m and the quantization axis orientation.

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