Quantum speeding-up of computation demonstrated in a superconducting two-qubit processor.


A. Dewes, R. Lauro, F.R. Ong, V. Schmitt, P. Milman, P. Bertet, D. Vion, D. Esteve


Phys. Rev. B 85, 140503(R) (2012)

We operate a superconducting quantum processor consisting of two tunable transmon qubits coupled by a swapping interaction, and equipped with nondestructive single-shot readout of the two qubits. With this processor, we run the Grover search algorithm among four objects and find that the correct answer is retrieved after a single run with a success probability between 0.52 and 0.67, which is significantly larger than the 0.25 achieved with a classical algorithm. This constitutes a proof of concept for the quantum speed-up of electrical quantum processors.

Characterization of a Two-Transmon Processor with Individual Single-Shot Qubit Readout


A. Dewes, F. R. Ong, V. Schmitt, R. Lauro, N. Boulant, P. Bertet, D. Vion, D. Esteve


Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 057002 (2012)

We report the characterization of a two-qubit processor implemented with two capacitively coupled tunable superconducting qubits of the transmon type, each qubit having its own nondestructive single-shot readout. The fixed capacitive coupling yields the √iSWAP two-qubit gate for a suitable interaction time.

Parametric resonance in tunable superconducting cavities


Waltraut Wustmann and Vitaly Shumeiko


Phys. Rev. B 87, 184501 (2013)

We develop a theory of parametric resonance in tunable superconducting cavities. The nonlinearity introduced by the superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) attached to the cavity and damping due to connection of the cavity to a transmission line are taken into consideration. We study in detail the nonlinear classical dynamics of the cavity field below and above the parametric threshold for the degenerate parametric resonance, featuring regimes of multistability and parametric radiation.

Generation of Nonclassical Microwave States Using an Artificial Atom in 1D Open Space


Io-Chun Hoi, Tauno Palomaki, Joel Lindkvist, Göran Johansson, Per Delsing, and C. M. Wilson


Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 263601 (2012)

We have embedded an artificial atom, a superconducting transmon qubit, in a 1D open space and investigated the scattering properties of an incident microwave coherent state. By studying the statistics of the reflected and transmitted fields, we demonstrate that the scattered states can be nonclassical. In particular, by measuring the second-order correlation function, g(2), we show photon antibunching in the reflected field and superbunching in the transmitted field.

The pumpistor: A linearized model of a flux-pumped superconducting quantum interference device for use as a negative-resistance parametric amplifier


K.M. Sundqvist, S. Kintas, M. Simoen, P. Krantz, M. Sandberg, C.M. Wilson, and P. Delsing


Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 102603 (2013)

We describe a circuit model for a flux-driven Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID). This is useful for developing insight into how these devices perform as active elements in parametric amplifiers. The key concept is that frequency mixing in a flux-pumped SQUID allows for the appearance of an effective negative resistance. In the three-wave, degenerate case treated here, a negative resistance appears only over a certain range of allowed input signal phase. This model readily lends itself to testable predictions of more complicated circuits.

Scattering of coherent states on a single artificial atom


B. Peropadre, J. Lindkvist, I.C. Hoi, C.M. Wilson, J.J. Garcia-Ripoll, P. Delsing, and G. Johansson,


New J. Phys. 15 035009 (2013)

In this work, we theoretically analyze a circuit quantum electrodynamics design where propagating quantum microwaves interact with a single artificial atom, a single Cooper-pair box. In particular, we derive a master equation in the so-called transmon regime, including coherent drives. Inspired by recent experiments, we then apply the master equation to describe the dynamics in both a two-level and a three-level approximation of the atom.

Giant Cross–Kerr Effect for Propagating Microwaves Induced by an Artificial Atom


Io-Chun Hoi, Anton F. Kockum, Tauno Palomaki, Thomas M. Stace, Bixuan Fan, Lars Tornberg, Sankar R. Sathyamoorthy, Göran Johansson, Per Delsing, and C. M. Wilson


Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 053601 (2013)

We investigate the effective interaction between two microwave fields, mediated by a transmon-type superconducting artificial atom which is strongly coupled to a coplanar transmission line. The interaction between the fields and atom produces an effective cross–Kerr coupling. We demonstrate average cross–Kerr phase shifts of up to 20 degrees per photon with both coherent microwave fields at the single-photon level. Our results provide an important step toward quantum applications with propagating microwave photons.

Breakdown of the Cross-Kerr Scheme for Photon Counting


B. Fan, A.F. Kockum, J. Combes, G. Johansson, I.C. Hoi, C.M. Wilson, P. Delsing, G.J. Milburn, and T.M. Stace


Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 053601 (2013)

We show, in the context of single-photon detection, that an atomic three-level model for a transmon in a transmission line does not support the predictions of the nonlinear polarizability model known as the cross-Kerr effect. We show that the induced displacement of a probe in the presence or absence of a single photon in the signal field, cannot be resolved above the quantum noise in the probe. This strongly suggests that cross-Kerr media are not suitable for photon counting or related single-photon applications.

Quantum dot admittance probed at microwave frequencies with an on-chip resonator

We have investigated the microwave frequency dynamic admittance of a quantum dot tunnel coupled to a two-dimensional electron gas. The measurements are made via a high-quality 6.75 GHz on-chip resonator capacitively coupled to the dot. The resonator frequency is found to shift both down and up close to conductance resonances of the dot corresponding to a change in the reactance of the system from capacitive to inductive (see Fig. 1). The observations are consistently explained in a scattering matrix model.

Demonstrating W-type entanglement of Dicke-states in resonant cavity quantum

One important key characteristics of a non-classical physical system is entanglement. For a system containing three qubits two important classes of entangled states are GHZ- and W-states. The first class consists of superposition states between |000⟩ and |111⟩ and the second one arises when a single excitation is symmetrically shared between three qubits, i.e. in an equal superposition between |001⟩, |010⟩ and |100⟩.

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