Correlations, indistinguishability and entanglement in Hong–Ou–Mandel experiments at microwave frequencies

2013-05-05 - 2013-11-18

C. Lang, C. Eichler, L. Steffen, J. M. Fink, M. J. Woolley, A. Blais & A. Wallraff


Nature Physics 9, 345–348 (2013)

When two indistinguishable single photons impinge at the two inputs of a beam splitter they coalesce into a pair of photons appearing in either one of its two outputs. This effect is due to the bosonic nature of photons and was first experimentally observed by Hong, Ou and Mandel. Here, we present the observation of the Hong–Ou–Mandel effect with two independent single-photon sources in the microwave frequency domain.

Demonstrating W-type entanglement of Dicke states in resonant cavity quantum electrodynamics


J. A. Mlynek, A. A. Abdumalikov, Jr., J. M. Fink, L. Steffen, M. Baur, C. Lang, A. F. van Loo, and A. Wallraff


Phys. Rev. A 86, 053838 (2012)

Nonlinearity and entanglement are two important properties by which physical systems can be identified as nonclassical. We study the dynamics of the resonant interaction of up to N=3 two-level systems and a single mode of the electromagnetic field sharing a single excitation dynamically. We observe coherent vacuum Rabi oscillations and their nonlinear √N speedup by tracking the populations of all qubits and the resonator in time.

Quantum dot admittance probed at microwave frequencies with an on-chip resonator


T. Frey, P. J. Leek, M. Beck, J. Faist, A. Wallraff, K. Ensslin, and T. Ihn


Phys. Rev. B 86, 115303 (2012)

We present microwave frequency measurements of the dynamic admittance of a quantum dot tunnel-coupled to a two-dimensional electron gas. The measurements are made via a high-quality 6.75 GHz on-chip resonator capacitively coupled to the dot. The resonator frequency is found to shift both down and up close to conductance resonance of the dot corresponding to a change of sign of the reactance of the system from capacitive to inductive. The observations are consistent with a scattering matrix model.

Experimental Monte Carlo Quantum Process Certification


L. Steffen, M.  P. da Silva, A. Fedorov, M. Baur, and A. Wallraff


Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 260506 (2012)

Experimental implementations of quantum information processing have now reached a level of sophistication where quantum process tomography is impractical. The number of experimental settings as well as the computational cost of the data postprocessing now translates to days of effort to characterize even experiments with as few as 8 qubits. Recently a more practical approach to determine the fidelity of an experimental quantum process has been proposed, where the experimental data are compared directly with an ideal process using Monte Carlo sampling.

Quantum-control approach to realizing a Toffoli gate in circuit QED


V. M. Stojanović, A. Fedorov, A. Wallraff, and C. Bruder


Phys. Rev. B 85, 054504 (2012)

We study the realization of a Toffoli gate with superconducting qubits in a circuit-quantum-electrodynamics setup using quantum-control methods. Starting with optimized piecewise-constant control fields acting on all qubits and typical strengths of XY-type coupling between the qubits, we demonstrate that the optimal gate fidelities are affected only slightly by a “low-pass” filtering of these fields with the typical cutoff frequencies of microwave driving.

Selective darkening of degenerate transitions for implementing quantum controlled-NOT gates


P.C. de Groot, S. Ashhab, A. Lupascu, L. DiCarlo, F. Nori, C.J.P.M. Harmans, and J.E. Mooij


New J. Phys. 14 073038 (2012)

We present a theoretical analysis of the selective darkening method for implementing quantum controlled-NOT (CNOT) gates. This method, which we have recently proposed and demonstrated, consists of driving two transversely coupled quantum bits (qubits) with a driving field that is resonant with one of the two qubits. For specific relative amplitudes and phases of the driving field felt by the two qubits, one of the two transitions in the degenerate pair is darkened or, in other words, becomes forbidden by effective selection rules.

Initialization by Measurement of a Superconducting Quantum Bit Circuit


D. Ristè, J.G. van Leeuwen, H.-S. Ku, K.W. Lehnert, and L. DiCarlo


Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 050507 (2012)

We demonstrate initialization by joint measurement of two transmon qubits in 3D circuit quantum electrodynamics. Homodyne detection of cavity transmission is enhanced by Josephson parametric amplification to discriminate the two-qubit ground state from single-qubit excitations nondestructively and with 98.1% fidelity. Measurement and postselection of a steady-state mixture with 4.7% residual excitation per qubit achieve 98.8% fidelity to the ground state, thus outperforming passive initialization.

Feedback Control of a Solid-State Qubit Using High-Fidelity Projective Measurement


D. Ristè, C.C. Bultink, K.W. Lehnert, and L. DiCarlo


Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 240502 (2012)

We demonstrate feedback control of a superconducting transmon qubit using discrete, projective measurement and conditional coherent driving. Feedback realizes a fast and deterministic qubit reset to a target state with 2.4% error averaged over input superposition states, and allows concatenating experiments more than 10 times faster than by passive initialization. This closed-loop qubit control is necessary for measurement-based protocols such as quantum error correction and teleportation.

Millisecond charge-parity fluctuations and induced decoherence in a superconducting transmon qubit


D. Ristè, C. C. Bultink, M. J. Tiggelman, R. N. Schouten, K. W. Lehnert & L. DiCarlo


Nature Communications 4, Article number: 1913 (2013)

The tunnelling of quasiparticles across Josephson junctions in superconducting quantum circuits is an intrinsic decoherence mechanism for qubit degrees of freedom. Understanding the limits imposed by quasiparticle tunnelling on qubit relaxation and dephasing is of theoretical and experimental interest, particularly as improved understanding of extrinsic mechanisms has allowed crossing the 100 microsecond mark in transmon-type charge qubits.

Partial-Measurement Backaction and Nonclassical Weak Values in a Superconducting Circuit


J.P. Groen, D. Ristè, L. Tornberg, J. Cramer, P.C. de Groot, T. Picot, G. Johansson, and L. DiCarlo


Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 090506 (2013)

We realize indirect partial measurement of a transmon qubit in circuit quantum electrodynamics by interaction with an ancilla qubit and projective ancilla measurement with a dedicated readout resonator. Accurate control of the interaction and ancilla measurement basis allows tailoring the measurement strength and operator. The tradeoff between measurement strength and qubit backaction is characterized through the distortion of a qubit Rabi oscillation imposed by ancilla measurement in different bases.

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