A Specific Targeted Research Project


Full Name: 
Quantum Interferometry with Bose-Einstein Condensates
Dr. Augusto Smerzi
Running time: 
2011-11-01 - 2014-10-31

We propose to realize of a new class of interferometers based on entangled states of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. These will have sensitivities beyond the shot-noise limit, potentially approaching the ultimate Heisenberg limit dictated by quantum mechanics. Our goal is to achieve an optimal control of the entanglement by means of novel experimental and theoretical tools to fully exploit its capabilities in precision measurements of time, forces and accelerations.


Full Name: 
Light-Matter Interfaces In Absence Of Cavities
Prof. Francesco Saverio Cataliotti
Running time: 
2011-02-01 - 2014-01-31

This project aims at the creation of robust and scalable quantum interfaces between different platforms for the implementation of Quantum Technologies. We will focus on interfacing interaction or measurement induced quantum resources in atomic matter to light fields, based on less demanding alternatives to cavity-enhanced interaction of light with single ultracold atoms. For some applications we even plan to use thermal atoms which allow for a further reduction in the experimental complexity.


Full Name: 
Integrated Quantum Information Technology
Running time: 
2011-10-01 - 2014-09-30

From 2011-10-01 to 2014-09-30 Objective IQIT will develop and demonstrate novel routes towards scaling up physical devices for quantum information science (QIS) with particular attention to communication between different parts of a quantum processor by means of a quantum bus.


Full Name: 
Quantum Computer Science
Prof. Andris AMBAINIS
Running time: 
2010-09-01 - 2013-08-31

The QCS project aims to study computer science aspects of Quantum Information Science, with an ultimate goal of designing new quantum algorithms and quantum communication protocols.


Full Name: 
Quantum repeaters for long distance fibre-based quantum communication
GISIN, Nicolas
Running time: 
2010-01-01 - 2012-12-31

The goal of QuRep is to develop a Quantum Repeater - the elementary building block required to overcome current distance limitations for long-distance quantum communication. We bring together the leading European groups in quantum communication, quantum memories, photonic sources and rare-earth-ion spectroscopy and materials as well as a leading quantum communication technology SME to move what has been fundamental research towards commercial feasibility.


Full Name: 
Nano Optics for Molecules on Chips
Running time: 
2009-03-01 - 2011-07-31

This project aims at the demonstration of detailed control of molecules realized by means of integrated electric, magnetic, radio frequency, microwave and optical fields. The possibility of integrating all these components on a microchip and scaling down to the micro-meter scale and beyond will be combined with the ability of preparing and storing molecules in the electronic ground state in close proximity of the microchip surface or adsorbed on dielectric waveguides.


Full Name: 
Single Cooper Pair Electronics
Prof. David Haviland
Running time: 
2009-01-01 - 2011-09-30

The quantum physics of superconducting circuits will be applied in new ways to realize circuits where the single charge quantum plays the dual role of the flux quantum in classical Josephson junction circuits. Building on the recent advances in superconducting quantum bit circuits, we will theoretically model, design, fabricate and measure a specific set of circuits which probe the little-explored regime of equally strong Josephson and charging energies, yet well isolated from dissipation so as to achieve strong quantum behaviour of the phase or charge.


Full Name: 
Quantum engineering via dissipation
Running time: 
2009-06-01 - 2012-05-31

QUEVADIS aims to study quantum computation and information processing in a model where information processing is achieved by dissipation or decoherence. The starting point of the proposal is a recent result showing that if system-environment interaction is engineered in a certain very specific way, then universal quantum computation can be achieved simply by letting the system decohere.


Full Name: 
Quantum integrated photonics
Running time: 
2010-02-01 - 2013-01-31

QUANTIP aims to develop the tools, components and concepts that will enable progress towards large-scale, integrated quantum photonic circuits for the development of advanced quantum systems for the purposes of quantum communications, information processing and metrology. A range of discrete integrated quantum photonic components will be developed and then integrated to form proof-of-principle demonstrators of fully- integrated prototypes, where all major components are integrated onto a single chip.


Full Name: 
The Physics of Ion Coulomb Crystals
Giovanna Morigi
Running time: 
2010-06-01 - 2013-05-31

PICC aims to identify tools for controlling ion crystal as their size is scaled up, develop strategies for implementing quantum dynamics of mesoscopic ion Coulomb crystals in a noisy environment and explore the capability of ion Coulomb crystals as quantum simulators. The targeted breakthrough is a ten fold increase in the number of entangled ions available for quantum operation operations. The long-term vision underlying this proposal is to engineer quantum correlations and entanglement in ion Coulomb crystals in order to exploit them for technological purposes of different kinds.

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