A Specific Targeted Research Project


Full Name: 
Rydberg Excited Calcium Ions for Quantum Interactions
Dr. Igor Lesanovsky
Running time: 
2011-08-01 - 2014-07-31

Trapped cold ions are among the most advanced systems to implement quantum information processing. In current experiments entanglement of the qubits, represented by long lived internal atomic states, is achieved via quantum control of the (collective) motion of the ion crystal.


Full Name: 
Quantum States: Analysis and Realizations
Prof. Harald Weinfurter
Running time: 
2012-01-01 - 2013-12-31

Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Communication brought a radical, paradigmatic change in our understanding of the nature of information and of its use. Progress in efficient quantum computation and communication will be possible provided we gain a significantly improved comprehension of the underlying principles of quantum physics, have scalable analysis tools available to study the dynamics, decoherence, as well as the applicability of large quantum states, and, last but not least, have reliable and robust quantum technology components available.


Full Name: 
Quantum technologies for extending the range of quantum communications
Dr. Julien Laurat
Running time: 
2011-09-01 - 2014-08-31

The QScale project focuses on the development of advanced quantum communication technologies, specifically of quantum repeater architectures, which represent a major and timely challenge for the field of quantum information science and technology.

Quantum repeaters are needed in order to overcome losses and errors in the transmission of quantum data. It allows the distribution of entanglement at arbitrary large distances, which is a universal resource for quantum information applications, including quantum cryptography and quantum teleportation.


Full Name: 
Quantum Information with NV Centres
Daniel Estève
Running time: 
2011-09-01 - 2014-08-31

The aim of QINVC is to exploit the superior quantum coherence of the spins of the negatively charged Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) colour centres in diamond, at both room and low temperature, for quantum information processing (QIP). This system is indeed among the best solid-state quantum systems in terms of coherence, ease of manipulation by ESR, and addressability down to the single spin using optical microscopy. Our project first focuses on two hybrid strategies for QIP (WP1).


Full Name: 
High Performance Coherent Quantum Communications
Prof. Nicolas J. Cerf
Running time: 
2011-09-01 - 2014-08-31

Coherent optics has been known since the 1960’s to be, in principle, the best tool to achieve very high bandwidths and bit rates in optical communication. While the development of fiber optical amplifiers in the 1980’s has reduced the need for developing such a technology, the advent of quantum information sciences has triggered a renewed interest in using coherent optics to realize high-rate quantum communication systems.


Full Name: 
Device-Independent Quantum Information Processing
Prof. Antonio Acín
Running time: 
2011-09-01 - 2014-08-31

Device-Independent Quantum Information Processing represents a new paradigm for quantum information processing: the goal is to design protocols to solve relevant information tasks without relying on any assumption on the devices used in the protocol. For instance, protocols for device-independent key distribution aim at establishing a secret key between two honest users whose security is independent of the devices used in the distribution.


Full Name: 
Composing Quantum Channels
Dr. Michael M. Wolf
Running time: 
2011-08-01 - 2014-07-31

The power of information theory – classical as well as quantum – originates in the abstraction of information from its physical carrier. On this level of discussion, every process, every time evolution and every operation is described by a quantum channel – an input-output relation abstracting from the microscopic origin of the physical dynamics. Quantum channels are therefore central objects and basic building blocks in quantum information theory. The composition of quantum channels is a very natural operation arising in most physical situations.


Full Name: 
Spin-Photon Angular Momentum Transfer for Quantum-Enabled Technologies
Dr. Ruth Oulton
Running time: 
2012-03-01 - 2015-02-28

The goal of this project is the development of a suite of nano-photonic devices that interface with spins, for application in quantum information and quantum-enabled classical communi-cation technologies. Our technologies will be based on electron and nuclear spins in semi-conductor quantum dots (QDs) embedded in nano-photonic devices. We will combine knowledge of the physics of semiconductor spins, photonics and cavity quantum electro-dynamics, with quantum information and optical communication technology.


Full Name: 
Integrated Quantum Sensors
Prof. Dr. Kai Bongs
Running time: 
2010-07-01 - 2014-06-30

The central aim of iSense is to deliver breakthrough enabling technologies and knowledge to push long-anticipated sensor and quantum ICT applications using cold atoms to a broadly accessible and commercially exploitable level. To achieve this goal, iSense is structured in two highly interlinked and temporally overlapping phases:


Full Name: 
A Toolbox for Photon Orbital Angular Momentum Technology
Lorenzo Marrucci
Running time: 
2010-10-01 - 2013-09-30

Orbital angular momentum (OAM) is a degree of freedom of light associated with rotationally structured transverse spatial modes of light beams, as in helical wave-front beams. In many respects OAM is analogous to polarization, but in contrast to polarization it is defined in an unbounded infinite-dimensional space.

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