FOM Meeting of the Dutch Physical Society

FOM Meeting of the Dutch Physical Society,

Veldhoven, The Netherlands,  21-23 Januray 2014

Philippe Grangier (Institut d'Optique)

Using ensembles of cold Rydberg atoms to  process single photon light pulses.

Annual Conference of the Korean Physical Society

Annual Conference of the Korean Physical Society,

Korea, 28 october-1 november 2013

Philippe Grangier (Institut d'Optique)

Quantum Optics and Quantum Information with Non-Gaussian States of Light

Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control

Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control,

12-16 August 2013, Toronto , Canada

Philippe Grangier (Institut d'Optique)

"Rydberg blockade for manipulating atomic and photonic qubits"

LPHYS, Nijni Novgorod, Russia, 29 July - 2 August 2013

LPHYS, Nijni Novgorod, Russia,  29 July -  2 August 2013

Philippe Grangier (Institut d'Optique)

"Rydberg blockade for manipulating atomic and photonic qubits"

QIPC Florence, Italy, 1-5 July 2013

QIPC Florence, Italy,  1-5 July 2013

Philippe Grangier (Institut d'Optique)

"Rydberg blockade for manipulating atomic and photonic qubits"

Gordon research Conference on Atomic Physics, 24-28 June 2013

Gordon research Conference on  Atomic Physics, 24-28 June 2013

Salve Regina University, Newport, USA

Philippe Grangier (Institut d'Optique)

"Manipulating Atoms and Photons using Rydberg Blockade"

Quantum statistics of light transmitted through an intracavity Rydberg medium


A. Grankin, E. Brion, E. Bimbard, R. Boddeda, I. Usmani, A. Ourjoumtsev and P. Grangier


A. Grankin, E. Brion, E. Bimbard, R. Boddeda, I. Usmani, A. Ourjoumtsev, P. Grangier, Quantum statistics of light transmitted through an intracavity Rydberg medium, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 16, 043020 (2014)
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/16/4/043020

We theoretically investigate the quantum statistical properties of light transmitted through an atomic medium with strong optical nonlinearity induced by Rydberg–Rydberg van der Waals interactions. In our setup, atoms are located in a cavity and nonresonantly driven on a two-photon transition from their ground state to a Rydberg level via an intermediate state by the combination of the weak signal field and a strong control beam.

Homodyne Tomography of a Single Photon Retrieved on Demand from a Cavity-Enhanced Cold Atom Memory


Erwan Bimbard, Rajiv Boddeda, Nicolas Vitrant, Andrey Grankin, Valentina Parigi, Jovica Stanojevic, Alexei Ourjoumtsev, and Philippe Grangier


Bimbard, R. Boddeda, N. Vitrant, A. Grankin, V. Parigi, J. Stanojevic, A. Ourjoumtsev, P. Grangier, Homodyne Tomography of a Single Photon Retrieved on Demand from a Cavity-Enhanced Cold Atom Memory, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 112:3, 033601 (2014)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.033601

We experimentally demonstrate that a nonclassical state prepared in an atomic memory can be efficiently transferred to a single mode of free-propagating light. By retrieving on demand a single excitation from a cold atomic gas, we realize an efficient source of single photons prepared in a pure, fully controlled quantum state. We characterize this source using two detection methods, one based on photon-counting analysis and the second using homodyne tomography to reconstruct the density matrix and Wigner function of the state.

Dispersive optical nonlinearities in a Rydberg electromagnetically-induced-transparency medium


Jovica Stanojevic, Valentina Parigi, Erwan Bimbard, Alexei Ourjoumtsev, and Philippe Grangier


J. Stanojevic, V. Parigi, E. Bimbard, A. Ourjoumtsev, P. Grangier, Dispersive optical nonlinearities in a Rydberg electromagnetically-induced-transparency medium, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 88:5, 053845 (2013)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.88.053845

We investigate dispersive optical nonlinearities that arise from a Rydberg excitation blockade in cold Rydberg gases. We consider a two-photon transition scheme and study the nonlinear response to a weak optical probe in the presence of a strong control beam. For very low probe fields, the dominant nonlinearities are of the third order and they can be evaluated in a steady-state regime.

Paper "Interferometry with non-classical motional states of a Bose–Einstein condensate" published on Nature Communication

The paper, authored by S. van Frank, A. Negretti, T. Berrada, R. Bücker, S. Montangero, J.-F. Schaff, T. Schumm, T. Calarco, J.

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