
A presentation of a project, a talk or poster, etc.

Nonlinear circuit QED : coupling a qubit to an anharmonic resonator

2011-03-21 - 2011-03-25

P. Bertet

APS March meeting, Dallas, Texas, USA

Hybrid Quantum Circuit with a Superconducting Qubit coupled to a Spin Ensemble


P. Bertet

Invited Talk, Waterloo University, Ontario, Canada

Bridging the gap between quantum-optical and solid-state implementations of quantum information is currently one of the major challenges in the field. Microscopic quantum systems have long coherence times, whereas artificial superconducting atoms can be manipulated and entangled very rapidly and with high fidelity; it is therefore appealing to combine them to form “hybrid” quantum circuits. In a first set of experiments towards this goal, we have demonstrated the strong coupling between an ensemble of electronic spins and a frequency tunable superconducting resonator [1].

Strong Coupling of a Spin Ensemble to a Superconducting Resonator

2011-03-13 - 2011-03-18

P. Bertet

75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany

We report the realization of a quantum circuit in which an ensemble of electronic spins is coupled to a frequency tunable superconducting resonator. The spins are Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in a diamond crystal. The achievement of strong coupling is manifested by the appearance of a vacuum Rabi splitting in the transmission spectrum of the resonator when its frequency is tuned through the NV center electron spin resonance. 

Spin Qubits in Solid State Systems  


D. Loss

Symposium on Contemporary Problems in Condensed Matter Theory, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel

The main characteristics of good qubits are long coherence times in combination with fast operating times. It is well known that carbon-based materials could increase the coherence times of spin qubits, which are among the most developed solid-state qubits. Here, we propose how to form spin qubits in graphene quantum dots. A crucial requirement to achieve this goal is to find quantum-dot states where the usual valley degeneracy in bulk graphene is lifted. We show that this problem can be avoided in quantum dots based on ribbons of graphene with armchair boundaries.

Quantum information in solid-state systems

2011-03-21 - 2011-03-25

D. Loss

Session U55: “Trends” in the APS Publication Physics. APS March Meeting 2011, Dallas, Texas, USA

I review the theoretical concepts for spin qubits and scalable quantum computers in nanostructures and highlight the experimental progress in this fast moving field. I describe the standard model of quantum computing and the basic criteria for its potential realization in solid state systems such as GaAs heterostructures, carbon nanotubes, InAs or SiGe nanowires, etc. Other alternative formulations such as measurement-based and adiabatic quantum computing are mentioned briefly. I then focus on qubits formed by individual electron spins in single and double GaAs quantum dots.

Helical modes and Majorana edge states in interacting nanowires   

2011-04-03 - 2011-04-07

D. Loss

CIFAR Quantum Physics Discussion and WinterSchool, Fairmont Chateau Whister, Whistler, Canada

Helical modes, conducting opposite spins in opposite directions, are shown to exist in metallic armchair nanotubes in an all-electric setup. This is a consequence of the interplay between spin orbit interaction and strong electric fields. The helical regime can also be obtained in chiral metallic nanotubes by applying an additional magnetic field. In particular, it is possible to obtain helical modes at one of the two Dirac points only, while the other one remains gapped.

Quantum information in solid-state systems: spin qubits in quantum dots   

2011-04-07 - 2011-04-08

D. Loss

Colloquium Celebrating the Foundation of the Peter Grünberg Institute, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

The main characteristics of good qubits are long coherence times in combination with fast operating times. It is well known that carbon-based materials could increase the coherence times of spin qubits, which are among the most developed solid-state qubits. Here, we propose how to form spin qubits in graphene quantum dots. A crucial requirement to achieve this goal is to find quantum-dot states where the usual valley degeneracy in bulk graphene is lifted. We show that this problem can be avoided in quantum dots based on ribbons of graphene with armchair boundaries.

Helical modes and Majorana edge states in interacting nanowires   

2011-04-10 - 2011-04-15

D. Loss

15th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Helical modes, conducting opposite spins in opposite directions, are shown to exist in metallic armchair nanotubes in an all-electric setup. This is a consequence of the interplay between spin orbit interaction and strong electric fields. The helical regime can also be obtained in chiral metallic nanotubes by applying an additional magnetic field. In particular, it is possible to obtain helical modes at one of the two Dirac points only, while the other one remains gapped.

Quantum information in solid-state systems: spin qubits in quantum dots   


D. Loss

Opening of the new Nanotech Center, Zurich, Switzerland

The main characteristics of good qubits are long coherence times in combination with fast operating times. It is well known that carbon-based materials could increase the coherence times of spin qubits, which are among the most developed solid-state qubits. Here, we propose how to form spin qubits in graphene quantum dots. A crucial requirement to achieve this goal is to find quantum-dot states where the usual valley degeneracy in bulk graphene is lifted. We show that this problem can be avoided in quantum dots based on ribbons of graphene with armchair boundaries.

Helical modes and Majorana edge states in interacting nanowires   

2011-09-07 - 2011-09-10

D. Loss

WORKSHOP on Superconducting hybrids: from conventional to exotic. Villard de Lans, France

We show that one-dimensional electron systems in proximity of a superconductor that support Majorana edge states are extremely susceptible to electron-electron interactions. Strong interactions generically destroy the induced superconducting gap that stabilizes the Majorana edge states. For weak interactions, the renormalization of the gap is nonuniversal and allows for a regime, in which the Majorana edge states persist. We present strategies how this regime can be reached. 

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