
A presentation of a project, a talk or poster, etc.

Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing with Superconducting Circuits

2011-06-20 - 2011-06-22

A. Wallraff

Quantum Repeater Status Seminar 2011, Bad Honnef, Germany

Quantum Science and Technology with Superconducting Electronic Circuits

2011-05-08 - 2011-05-10

A. Wallraff

International Conference "Quantum Technology", Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, German Museum, Munich, Germany

Dark States of Cavity Coupled Qubits

2011-03-21 - 2011-03-25

S. Filipp, A. F. van Loo, QUDEV-Team, and A. Wallraff

APS March Meeting, Dallas, USA

In circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED) the cavity-mediated dispersive interaction is the dominant inter-qubit coupling mechanism when the qubits are detuned from the resonator. This mechanism can be used to realize two-qubit gates. Here, we investigate the strength of this interaction explicitly considering the Fabry-Perot like multi-mode structure of the microwave frequency transmission line resonator. We observe the formation of dark states when the qubits are driven jointly by the same resonator microwave field and tuned into resonance with each other.

Dispersive multi-mode mediated qubit coupling in circuit QED

2011-02-28 - 2011-03-05

S. Filipp

Quantum Simulations Workshop, Benasque, Spain

Microwave cavities with high quality factors enable coherent coupling of distant quantum systems. Virtual photons lead to a transverse exchange interaction between qubits, when they are non-resonant with the cavity but resonant with each other. We experimentally probe the inverse scaling of the inter-qubit coupling with the detuning from a cavity mode and its proportionality to the qubit-cavity interaction strength. We demonstrate that the enhanced coupling at higher frequencies is mediated by multiple higher-harmonic cavity modes.

Investigating Relativistic Quantum Field Theory in Superconducting Circuits

2011-02-28 - 2011-03-05

G. Johansson

Quantum Simulations Workshop, Benasque, Spain

Observation of the Dynamical Casimir Effect in a Superconducting Circuit

2011-05-02 - 2011-05-06

Göran Johansson

12th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations, Brazil

One of the most surprising predictions of modern quantum theory is that the vacuum of space is not empty. In fact, quantum theory predicts that it teems with virtual particles flitting in and out of existence. While initially a curiosity, it was quickly realized that these vacuum fluctuations had measurable consequences, for instance producing the Lamb shift of atomic spectra and modifying the magnetic moment for the electron. This type of renormalization due to vacuum fluctuations is now central to our understanding of nature.

Observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting circuit

2012-02-27 - 2012-03-02

Christopher Wilson

APS March meeting, Boston, USA

Modern quantum theory predicts that the vacuum of space is not empty, but instead teeming with virtual particles flitting in and out of existence. While initially a curiosity, it was quickly realized that these vacuum fluctuations had measurable consequences, for instance producing the Lamb shift of atomic spectra and modifying the magnetic moment for the electron. This type of renormalization due to vacuum fluctuations is now central to our understanding of nature.

Photon generation in an electromagnetic cavity with a timedependent boundary

2011-05-02 - 2011-05-06

P. Delsing

5th Feynman Festival and 12th Int. Conf. on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations, Iguaçu, Brazil

We report the observation of photon generation in a microwave cavity with a time-dependent boundary condition. Our system is a microfabricated quarter-wave coplanar waveguide cavity. The electrical length of the cavity is varied by using the tunable inductance of a superconducting quantum interference device. It is measured at a temperature significantly less than the resonance frequency. When the length is modulated at approximately twice the static resonance frequency, spontaneous parametric oscillations of the cavity field are observed.

Running Grover's Algorithm on a 2-Qubit Quantum Processor


A. Dewes

Solid State Physics seminar, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Swiss

Quantum process tomography and running Grover’s algorithm on a 2 transmon processor

2011-09-05 - 2011-09-09

A. Dewes

QIPC Conference, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Swiss

We present an experiment performed on two coupled Transmon qubits forming a universal iSWAP ^(1/2) quantum logic gate. Each of the qubits is equipped with its own circuit for driving and single-shot readout and a fast flux line for frequency tuning. We perform quantum process tomography to characterize the operation of the iSWAP^(1/2) gate and obtain a fidelity of 88 %. Furthermore we run Grover’s search algorithm on the system and obtain single-shot fidelities above the classical bound of 50 %, demonstrating quantum speed-up for this particular search problem. 

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