
Symposium, 50 ans du Laser dans la Ville Lumière, June 2010, Paris, France

S. Haroche (P2a CNRS), Exploring the nature of light in a photon box

CeNS Workshop 2010, Nanosciences - Merging Disciplines, Venice International University, September 20-24, 2010 San Servolo, Italy

M. Brune (P2a CNRS), invited talk, Quantum theory of measurament at work by photon counting in a box

Workshop on Quantum Control IHP, December 8 - 11, 2010, Paris, France

I.Dotsenko (P2a CNRS), invited talk, Quantum feedback for preparation and protection of quantum states light

John Anderson Research Colloquium, University of Strathclyde, 23 February 2011, Glasgow, UK

Igor Dotsenko (P2a CNRS), invited talk, Quantum measurament and Quantum feedback on light trapped in a cavity

The 4th Winter School on practical QKD

2012-01-17 - 2012-01-20

ID Quantique, a partner in the Q-ESSENCE consortium, is organizing for the 4th time the “Winter School on Practical Quantum Cryptography” taking place from January 17 to 20, 2012 in the Swiss Alps.

The goal of this Winter School is to introduce, to a general audience of physicists and computer scientists
with little or no background in practical quantum cryptography, this exciting topic in a relaxed and
stimulating atmosphere. Special emphasis will be put on practical quantum cryptography system design. The

The International Symposium "Quantum metrology with photons and atoms"

Toruń, Poland

The symposium will be held on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of National Laboratory for Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. The Laboratory is a national consortium involving among other institutions University of Warsaw, a partner in the Q-ESSENCE project. One of the themes of the symposium will be quantum-enhanced metrology. The meeting will provide a platform to exchange ideas and recent development with other sub-fields of modern metrology.

FET QIFT Open Day, April 15th 2011 - presentations

Please find attached presentations from FET QIFT Open Day held at University of Warsaw, on April 15th, 2011.

Q-ESSENCE Year I - Publications

Enclosed you will find a list of Q-ESSENCE publications from the first year of project duration.

Q-ESSENCE press release 1st March 2010

The first press release for Q-ESSENCE wich appeared on 1st March 2010.

Author: Dr Kamna Pruvost, University of Oxford (UOXF.DU).

The 3rd Winter School on practical QKD

2011-01-17 - 2011-01-21

The 3rd winter school took place from 17 to 21 January 2011. The goal of this Winter School is to introduce, to a general audience of physicists and computer scientists with little or no background in practical quantum cryptography, this exciting topic in a relaxed and stimulating atmosphere. Special emphasis will be put on practical quantum cryptography system design. The emerging applications of this promising technology will also be discussed.

Organiser: id Quantique

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