
Workshop on Ion TrapTechnology, February 2011, NIST, Denver, Boulder

R. Blatt (P4a OEAW), talk, Status of TRapped-Ion Physics in Europe

QIPC 2011, September 5-9, 2011, ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland

R. Blatt (P4a OEAW), invited talk, Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ca+ Ions

J.I. Cirac (P3c MPQ), invited talk, Engineered dissipation and quantum information

P. Treutlein (P19 UNIBAS), invited talk, Quantum metrology with ultracold atoms on a chip

B. Michuck (P9 UAARHUS), poster

J. Gulliksen (P9 UAARHUS), attendance

F. Schmidt-Kaler (P18 JGUM), contribution, Rydberg Excitation with trapped cold ions

Les Houches Summer School 2011, Quantum machines

J.-M. Raimond (P2a CNRS), lectures: "Exploring the quantum world with Rydberg atoms and photons trapped in cavities"

R. Blatt (P4a OEAW), invited, Quantum Information science: ExperimentalImplementation with Trapped Ions

Fet11, European Future Technologies, May 4 - 6, 2011, Budapest

J.-M. Raimond (P2a CNRS), Exploring the frontiers of the quantum world with atoms and cavities

D. Meschede (P6 UBONN), invited talk, Discrete quantum simulation with neutral atoms

Frisno 11, March 2011, Aussois

J.-M. Raimond (P2a CNRS), invited talk, Quantum state control in a cavity

International conference on Quantum Information (ICQI), June 2011, Ottawa, Canada

S. Haroche (P2a CNRS), invited talk, Non destructive field measurements and quantum feedback experiments in Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

R. Blatt (P4a OEAW), invited talk, Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions

E. Figueroa (P3b MPQ), talk, A single-atom quantum memory, 7 June 2011

E. Figueroa (P3b MPQ), talk, A universal single-atom based quantum node, 8 June 2011

Workshop, Entanglement quantum information and the quantum to classical transition, May 2011, Rome, Italy

S. Haroche (P2a CNRS), invited talk, Playing with Schrödinger cats and other non-classical states of light in a cavity

Symposium, 50 years in the light of the laser, November 2010, Berlin, Germany

S. Haroche (P2a CNRS), invited talk, Exploring the quantum nature of light in a photon box

Conference, Arrow of time and the problem of decoherence in closed solid-state quantum systems, october 2010, IHP, Paris, France

S. Haroche (P2a CNRS), invited talk, Generating, reconstructing and controlling non-classical states of radiation in a cavity by quantum non-demolition measurements

Symposium, Présent et futur de la mécanique quantique, Fondation Bunge Y Born, August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

S. Haroche (P2a CNRS), Fundamental tests in Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

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