
Talk at the University of Innsbruck, March 6 - 12, 2011, Innsbruck, Austria

H. Habibian, W. Niedenzu, H. Ritsch, G. Morigi (P8 USAAR), talk, Ultracold atoms in disordered quantum potential of an optical cavity

PhD-Day 2011, March 1 - 2, 2011, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

C. Arenz and G. Morigi (P8 USAAR), talk, Trapping-States in microwave CQED

J. D. Baltrusch, C. Cormick, G. De Chiara, T. Calarco and G. Morigi (P8 USAAR), talk, Measuring Quantum Superpositions of Different Structures of Ion Coulumb Crystals

S. Blum, G. Olivares-Rentería, C. Ottaviani, A. Lenhard, S. Zaske, C. Becher, G. Morigi (P8 USAAR), talk, How to let ions chatter? - frequency down-conversion of single photons into the telecom band

F. Cartarius, C. Cormick, G. Morigi (P8 USAAR), poster, Ring structures in linear multipole ion traps

Colloquium of the Statistical Physics Center at the University of Nancy, March 1, 2011, Nancy, France

G. Morigi (P8 USAAR), talk, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with ultracold atoms

International Workshop on Atomic Physics, November 22 - 26, 2020, Dresden, Germany

G. Morigi (P8 USAAR), invited talk, Cavity cooling and crystalline phases of polar molecules

Quantum Optics, November 15, 2010, Cozumel, Mexico

G. Morigi, in collaboration with T. Kampschulte, D. Meschede (P8 USAAR), talk, EIT cooling of a trapped atom in an optical resonator

14. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung 2010, November 4, 2010, Munich, Germany

S. Blum, G. Olivares-Rentería, C. Ottaviani, G. Morigi, H. Rütz, S. Zaske, J. L´huillier, C. Becher (P8 USAAR), poster, Frequency Down-Conversions of Single Photons into Telecom BAnd

Complex Quantum Sytsem workshop, October 14 - 15, 2010, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

G. Morigi (P8 USAAR), invited talk, Quantum linear-zig-zag transition in ultracold atom chains

Network Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, October 5 - 7, 2010, Ulm, Germany

C. Cormick (P8 USAAR), poster, Dipolar interactions in ultracold ion chains

International Conference on Quantum Technologies, July 13 - 17, 2011, Moscow, Russia

C. Vo (P3b MPQ), poster, Remote entanglement between a single Atom and a Bose Einstein condensate

Gordon Research Conference on Atomic Physics, June 26 - July 1, 2011, Mount Snow Resort, Veront, USA

C. Hahn (P3b MPQ), poster, Remote Entanglement of a Single Atom and a Bose-Einstein Condensate

M. Koch (P3b MPQ), poster, Observation of time-dependent, third-order photon correlations in cavity QED

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