
Quantum Transport in Dilute Gases, July 4 - 15, 2011, Benasque, Spain

D. A. Smith (P12 TUWIEN), talk, Relaxation Dynamics in a Many-Body Quantum System

The Atomic and Molecular Physics Seminar, April 7, 2011, Durham, England, UK

D. A. Smith (P12 TUWIEN), invited talk, Non Equilibrium of a Many-Body Quantum Systems

Austrian-Swiss Physical Society Meeting, June 15 - 17, 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland

C. Novotny, fr. R. Diorico, S. Minniberger, C. Hufnagel, R. Amsüss, C. Koller, N. Lippok, S. Haslinger, M. Schramböck, J. Majer, S. Schneider, H.-J. Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), talk, Magnetic transport of ultra-cold atoms into a cryostat for integrating atomic ans solid-state quantum bits

DFG Graduiertenkolleg 792, February 9, 2011, Kaiserlautum, Germany

T. Langen, M. Gring, M. Kuhnert, M. Schreitel, D. A. Smith, H.-J. Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), talk, Non-equilibrium dynamics of 1d Bose gases studied via noise distributions

CoQuS graduate school Secondment at Quantum Optics Group ETH Zürich, March 2011, Zürich, Switzerland

M. Kuhnert (P12 TUWIEN), Non-Equilibrium Many-Body Dynamics on an AtomChip

CoQuS graduate school colloquium, May 16, 2011, Wien, Austria

M. Gring, M. Kuhnert, T. Langen, D. A. Smith, H.-J. Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), talk, Relaxation Dynamics and Prethermalization in a Quantum System

ÖPG/SPS Tagung, June 16, 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland

R. Amsüss, C. Koller, T. Nöbauer, S. Putz, M. Schramböck, S. Rotter, H.-J. Schmiedmayer, J. Majer (P12 TUWIEN), talk, Hybrid Quantum System: Coupling Color Centers to Superconducting Cavities

SFB Meeting, July 7- 8, 2011, Innsbruck, Austria

S. Van Frank, R. Bücker, J. Grond, S. Manz, T. Berrada, Th. Betz, C. Koller, U. Hohenester, Th. Schumm, A. Perrin, H.-J. Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), poster, Single mode twin-atom beams

T. Langen, M. Gring, M. Kuhnert, I. Mazets, D. A. Smith, H.-J. Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), talk, Relaxation Dynamics and Pre-thermalization in a Quantum System

Physikkolloquium Universität Innsbruck, November 30, 2010, Austria

D. Meschede (P6 UBONN), invited talk, Splitting, walking and blinding a single neutral atom

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