
Bose-Einstein Condensation 2013 - Frontiers in Quantum Gases

2013 September 7-13; Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain;

  • Roman Schmied (UNIBAS) poster: "Quantum Metrology on an Atom Chip"

RTG1729-International Conference: Fundamentals and Applications of Ultra-cold Matter

2013 September 16-19; Visselhövede, Germany;

  • Philipp Treutlein (UNIBAS) talk: "Quantum Metrology and Entanglement on Atom Chips"

Cavity Optomechanics – from the micro- to the macro scale

2013 November 4-6; Innsbruck, Austria;

  • Philipp Treutlein (UNIBAS) talk: "Hybrid optomechanical systems"

78th Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting

2014 March 17-21; Berlin, Germany;

  • Baptiste Allard (UNIBAS) talk: "Tomography of squeezed and oversqueezed states of mesoscopic atomic ensembles"
  • Aline Faber (UNIBAS) poster: "Sympathetic cooling of a micromechanical membrane via ultracold atoms"
  • Tobias Kampschulte (UNIBAS) talk: "Hybrid optomechanics with ultracold atoms and a micromechanical membrane"

Gordon Research Conference: Mechanical Systems in the Quantum Regime

2014 March 9-14; Ventura, CA, USA;

  • Philipp Treutlein (UNIBAS) poster: "Sympathetic cooling of a micromechanical membrane via ultracold atoms"

Call for Application to support a Quantum Envoy

2014-01-01 - 2016-01-31

Quantum envoy is any activity connecting interested third-party audiences with the quantum information research community. Typical examples of quantum envoy are public lectures and exhibitions presenting general aspects of QIPC research and goals.

Information day for the first Call in Quantum simulation FET-Proactive initiative


The EC is organizing the Information day for the first Call in Quantum simulation FET-Proactive initiative for the new Framework program, to be held on the 20th January 2014 in Brussels.

The European Commission is organizing an Information day for the first Call in Quantum simulation FET-Proactive initiative for the new Framework program.

The event will take place in Brussels in the DIAMANT Conference centre (location still to be confirmed) ( on January 20, 2014.

Andreas Wallraff awarded an ERC Advanced Grant


An ERC Advanced Grant was awarded to Andreas Wallraff by the European Research Council (ERC) for the project "Superconducting Quantum Networks".

 From 2014, Wallraff will be using the funds awarded to him by the Advanced Grant to investigate ways of developing networks for computers that operate on the basis of quantum physics: quantum computers. The technology is based on integrated electronic circuits that use superconductive materials, and in which information is processed at microwave frequencies. The project focuses on the development of networks that can connect individual quantum chips at distances ranging from a few centimeters to several meters.

Shot-Noise-Limited Monitoring and Phase Locking of the Motion of a Single Trapped Ion


P. Bushev, G. Hétet, L. Slodicka, D. Rotter, M. A. Wilson, F. Schmidt-Kaler, J. Eschner, R. Blatt


DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.133602
PACS: 42.50.Lc, 03.65.Ta, 37.10.Ty, 42.50.St

We perform a high-resolution real-time readout of the motion of a single trapped and laser-cooled Ba+

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