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Format: 2024-07-29
Format: 2024-07-29
Format: 2024-07-29
Type Title Author Post Datesort icon
Story The Quantum Century: 100 Years of the Bohr Atom christiangross 2014-05-13 15:39
Story Innsbruck Physics Lecture christiangross 2014-05-13 15:39
Story Physics Colloquium@ MIT christiangross 2014-05-13 15:38
Story Einstein Colloquium – Weizmann Institute of Science christiangross 2014-05-13 15:37
Story Frontiers in the Quantum World Symposium christiangross 2014-05-13 15:37
Story Workshop on NewPerspectives on Thermalization - Aspen Physics Center christiangross 2014-05-13 15:36
Story Vernon Hughes Memorial Lecture – Yale University christiangross 2014-05-13 15:35
Story Condensed Matter Physics Seminar – Harvard University christiangross 2014-05-13 15:34
Story Milan Physics Collquium – Milan University christiangross 2014-05-13 15:29
Publication Crystallization in Ising quantum magnets christiangross 2014-05-13 15:24
Publication Emergence of coherence and the dynamics of quantum phase transitions christiangross 2014-05-13 15:21
Publication Observation of chiral currents with ultracold atoms in bosonic ladders christiangross 2014-05-13 15:18
Event "Quantum Critical Matter - From Atoms to Bulk" (QCM14) web.admin 2014-05-12 10:59
Job Postdoc position in Quantum Information Theory web.admin 2014-05-12 10:53
Publication Macroscopic Optomechanics from Displaced Single-Photon Entanglement thew 2014-05-12 09:27
Publication Cavity-enhanced storage in an optical spin-wave memory thew 2014-05-12 09:20
Publication Challenging preconceptions about Bell tests with photon pairs thew 2014-05-12 09:12
Publication Generation of tunable wavelength coherent states and heralded single photons for quantum optics applications thew 2014-05-12 08:57
Publication Nonlinear interaction between single photons thew 2014-05-12 08:50
Publication Heralded Single-Phonon Preparation, Storage, and Readout in Cavity Optomechanics chris.galland 2014-05-09 10:21
Publication Squeezed light from a silicon micromechanical resonator Anonymous 2014-05-07 16:33
Job Junior Research Group Leader web.admin 2014-05-07 16:00
Publication Generation and confirmation of a (100 × 100)-dimensional entangled quantum system Anonymous 2014-05-07 12:30
Event AQIS'14 web.admin 2014-05-07 11:43
Publication A quantum gate between a flying optical photon and a single trapped atom ritter 2014-05-05 13:42