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Format: 2024-07-28
Format: 2024-07-28
Format: 2024-07-28
Type Title Author Post Datesort icon
PR Activity Exploring higher dimensional Hilbert spaces with entangled singularities and multiports qessence 2011-06-29 23:10
PR Activity Quantum Information and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics qessence 2011-06-29 23:06
PR Activity Schrödingers Spiegel: neue Quantenexperimente mit mechanischen Systemen qessence 2011-06-29 23:01
PR Activity Quantenphysik und Philosophie oder: warum Quantenphysiker realitätsfremd sind qessence 2011-06-29 22:55
PR Activity Quantum experiments involving macroscopically distinct states: a new perspective from quantum optomechanics qessence 2011-06-29 22:52
PR Activity Quantum Opto-Mechanics: extending quantum experiments to massive mechanical systems qessence 2011-06-29 22:49
PR Activity Quantum optomechanics in the strong coupling regime qessence 2011-06-29 22:44
PR Activity Schroedingers Mirrors extending quantum experiments using massive mechanical resonators qessence 2011-06-29 22:41
PR Activity Schrödingers Mirrors how to put mechanics back into quantum mechanics qessence 2011-06-29 22:37
PR Activity The beauty of applying quantum optics to optomechanics qessence 2011-06-29 22:27
PR Activity Makroskopische Quantenphänomene qessence 2011-06-29 22:24
PR Activity Realism and contextuality in quantum experiments qessence 2011-06-29 22:22
PR Activity Quantum hybrid technologies qessence 2011-06-29 22:17
PR Activity Quantum-Opto-Mechanics in the Strong Coupling Regime qessence 2011-06-29 22:13
PR Activity Quantum-Optomechanics in the strong coupling regime qessence 2011-06-29 22:08
PR Activity Die Rätsel der Quantenphysik - Moderne Grundlagenforschung zwischen Philosophie und Technologie qessence 2011-06-29 22:03
PR Activity Quantum-Opto-Mechanics: from quantum technology to new macroscopic quantum experiments qessence 2011-06-29 21:59
PR Activity Macroscopic tests of quantum mechanics with optomechanical resonators qessence 2011-06-29 21:53
PR Activity Quantum-Opto-Mechanics: cavity-cooling and quantum entanglement of mechanical resonators qessence 2011-06-29 21:50
PR Activity Towards Macroscopic Quantum Experiments conceptual and experimental challenges qessence 2011-06-29 21:45
Publication Least-squares approximation by elements from matrix orbits achieved by gradient flows on compact lie groups qessence 2011-06-29 17:57
PR Activity Long-distance free-space quantum entanglement and fundamental experiments qessence 2011-06-29 17:45
PR Activity Quantum Information and Communication Technology, Basic Concepts and Techniques qessence 2011-06-29 17:36
Event QIP2012 ltheussl 2011-06-29 08:23
Job Professor in Experimental Quantum Optics ltheussl 2011-06-28 14:44