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Format: 2024-07-29
Format: 2024-07-29
Format: 2024-07-29
Type Title Author Post Datesort icon
Story 2nd German-French-Russian Laser Symposium 2011, April 14 - 17, 2011, Gößweinstein, Germany rosetti 2011-10-14 14:32
Story Southwest Quantum Information and Technology (SQuInt) Workshop, February 17 - 20, 2011, Boulder, Colorado, USA rosetti 2011-10-14 14:12
Story French-German research: 50 Years in the Light of the Laser, November, 5 - 6, 2010, French Embassy, Berlin, Germany rosetti 2011-10-14 12:27
Story OSA´s FiO/LS 2010: Frontiers in Optics 2010/Laser Science XXVI, October 24 - 28, 2010, Rochester, New York, USA rosetti 2011-10-14 12:21
Story AISAMP 9: 9th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics, October 4 - 10, 2010, Seoul, Korea rosetti 2011-10-14 12:19
Story CQD-DTC/QuAMP Summer School at the Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) for Controlled Quantum Dynamics of Imperial College, August 31 - September 3, 2010, London, UK rosetti 2011-10-14 12:14
Story Stockholm Summer School on Quantum Optics and Nanophotonics 2010, June 21 - 25, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden rosetti 2011-10-14 11:41
Job Two Postdoctoral Positions in Experimental Quantum Information (Paris) laurat 2011-10-13 21:46
Publication Continuity bounds on the quantum relative entropy qessence 2011-10-13 15:51
Publication Gaussification and entanglement distillation of continuous variable systems: a unifying picture qessence 2011-10-13 15:48
Publication Cooling by heating qessence 2011-10-13 15:45
News Latest research on noisy quantum simulations hits the cover of the APS Physics qessence 2011-10-13 15:30
Publication Dissipative Quantum Church-Turing Theorem qessence 2011-10-13 15:02
Job PhD positions in Cold Atoms and Quantum Optics ICFOjobs 2011-10-11 17:13
Story Workshop on Many-Body Quantum Dynamics in Closed Systems, September 7 - 9, 2011, Barcelona, Spain rosetti 2011-10-11 15:03
Story Humboldt-Kolleg. Open Quantum systems: Chaos and Decoherence, September 18 - October 1, 2011, Cuernavaca, Mexico rosetti 2011-10-11 12:44
Story INTERCAN PreDoc School, September 18 - 30, 2011, Les Houches, France rosetti 2011-10-11 12:41
Story Conference on Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics 2011, July 25 - 30, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic rosetti 2011-10-11 12:33
Story Bothe Colloquium, MPI for Nuclear Physics, July 20, 2011, Heidelberg, Germany rosetti 2011-10-11 12:30
Story Greenhorn meeting, June 29 - July 1, 2011, Hamburg, Germany rosetti 2011-10-11 12:28
Story Colloquium of the Physics Department, MAy 28, 2011, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK rosetti 2011-10-11 12:25
Story Joint seminar with the Theoretical Quantum Optics Group of Professor M. Flieschhauer, May 17, 2011, Kaiserlautern, germany rosetti 2011-10-11 12:23
Story Scientific meeting with the Statistical physics Group (Nancy, France), April 11, 2011, Saarbrücken, Germany rosetti 2011-10-11 12:16
Story IOTA Scientific Kick-off meeting, March 25 - 26, 2011, Heidelberg, Germany rosetti 2011-10-11 12:12
Story Talk at the University of Innsbruck, March 6 - 12, 2011, Innsbruck, Austria rosetti 2011-10-11 11:51