(36) | " (16) | ' (2) | ( (1) | - (1) | 0 (1) | 1 (43) | 2 (53) | 3 (25) | 4 (41) | 5 (12) | 6 (15) | 7 (12) | 8 (3) | 9 (2) | A (285) | B (92) | C (469) | D (240) | E (321) | F (178) | G (108) | H (117) | I (322) | J (50) | K (23) | L (153) | M (270) | N (166) | O (147) | P (913) | Q (911) | R (208) | S (509) | T (334) | U (100)
Titlesort icon Author Last update
Staying adiabatic with unknown energy gap Giardini Thursday, 27. November 2014 - 11:46
Steady-state entanglement of two superconducting qubits engineered by dissipation sumanta Thursday, 16. January 2014 - 18:00
STELLA 11 2011 - School for Training in Experiments with Lasers and Laser Applications pessina Friday, 8. February 2013 - 10:12
Stellenausschreibung einer Universitätsprofessorin oder eines Universitätsprofessors ltheussl Thursday, 22. November 2012 - 16:31
Stiffness in 1D Matrix Product States with periodic boundary conditions LHanschke Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:26
Stiffness in 1D matrix product states with periodic boundary conditions LHanschke Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:26
STMicroelctronics ltheussl Monday, 28. January 2013 - 10:15
STOA, Scientific Technology Options Assesment, Panel Meeting, Strassbourg, June 17, 2010, France rosetti Monday, 4. February 2013 - 13:03
Stockholm Summer School on Quantum Optics and Nanophotonics 2010 ltheussl Friday, 8. February 2013 - 9:44
Stockholm Summer School on Quantum Optics and Nanophotonics 2010, June 21 - 25, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden rosetti Monday, 4. February 2013 - 13:51
Storage and Retrieval of a Microwave Field in a Spin Ensemble LHanschke Monday, 18. November 2013 - 21:36
Storage and retrieval of a microwave field in a spin ensemble LHanschke Wednesday, 13. February 2013 - 21:14
Storage and retrieval of a single microwave photon in a spin ensemble LHanschke Tuesday, 19. November 2013 - 14:43
Storage of Multiple Coherent Microwave Excitations in an Electron Spin Ensemble ltheussl Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:23
Stored photons interact in atom cloud ltheussl Wednesday, 6. February 2013 - 9:27
Storing a single microwave photon in a spin ensemble DRudolph Thursday, 14. February 2013 - 11:36
Storing a single microwave photon in a spin ensemble LHanschke Tuesday, 19. November 2013 - 14:42
Storing a single microwave photon in a spin ensemble DRudolph Thursday, 14. February 2013 - 11:34
Strain Tuning of Individual Atomic Tunneling Systems Detected by a Superconducting Qubit DRudolph Monday, 11. February 2013 - 10:25
Strain Tuning of Individual Atomic Tunneling Systems Detected by a Superconducting Qubit LHanschke Monday, 18. November 2013 - 23:18
Strain-optic active control for quantum integrated photonics joshnunn Tuesday, 2. June 2015 - 1:38
Strengthening Cooperation in ICT R&D in an Enlarged European Union qessence Tuesday, 26. February 2013 - 12:50
Stretched exponential decay of Majorana edge modes in many-body localized Kitaev chains under dissipation Christine.Muschik Tuesday, 7. June 2016 - 15:11
Strong Coupling of a Spin Ensemble to a Superconducting Resonator LHanschke Wednesday, 21. March 2012 - 2:13
Strong Coupling of a Spin Ensemble to a Superconducting Resonator LHanschke Wednesday, 21. March 2012 - 2:02
Strong coupling of a spin ensemble to a superconducting resonator LHanschke Wednesday, 21. March 2012 - 2:00
Strong Coupling of a Spin Ensemble to a Superconducting Resonator LHanschke Wednesday, 21. March 2012 - 1:44
Strong Coupling of a Spin Ensemble to a Superconducting Resonator DRudolph Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:26
Strong Coupling of a Spin Ensemble to a Superconducting Resonator DRudolph Monday, 4. February 2013 - 12:59
Strong Coupling of Spin Qubits to a Transmission Line Resonator LHanschke Tuesday, 12. February 2013 - 10:38
Strong electrically tunable exciton g-factors in an individual quantum dots due to hole orbital angular momentum quenching DRudolph Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:26
Strong interactions at different ranges servaas Sunday, 16. July 2017 - 23:33
Strong Spin-Orbit Interaction and Helical Holes in Ge/Si Nanowires LHanschke Tuesday, 19. November 2013 - 19:34
Strongly correlated growth of Rydberg aggregates in a vapor cell ricardo.gutierrez Friday, 11. March 2016 - 15:39
Strongly correlated low-dimensional gases: from supersymmetric quantum criticality to Majorana quasi-particles marcellodlm Tuesday, 7. June 2016 - 14:18
Strongly correlated states of a cold atomic gas from geometric gauge fields rosetti Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:26