Workshop on Quantum Walks, Quantum Simulators, and Quantum Networks, Bonn, Germany, 30.-31.7.2012

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Andreas Reiserer (P3 MPQ) Poster “An elementary quantum network of single atoms in optical cavities”

Christian Nölleke (P3 MPQ) Poster "Quantum Interference of Photons from Two Independent Single-Atom Quantum Memories"

Manuel Uphoff (P3 MPQ) Poster "A single-atom quantum memory"

M. Lubasch (P3 MPQ), Talk "Adiabatic preparation of a Heisenberg antiferromagnet using an optical superlattice"

Gerhard Rempe (P3 MPQ), talk "An Elementary Quantum Network with Individual Atoms and Photons"

Andrea Alberti  (P6 UBONN) Talk "Quantum walks for discrete-time quantum simulations"

 Andrea Alberti (P6 UBONN) Poster "A Digital Atom Interferometer With Single Particle Control"

 Noomen Belmechri (P6 UBONN) Poster "Motional State Control Of Single Neutral Atoms In A Spinor Lattice"

 Sebastian Manz  (P6 UBONN) poster "Heterodyne Spectroscopy of Single Atoms Inside A High-Finesse Cavity"

Antoine Browaeys (P2 CNRS) talk “Experimental investigation of the dipole-dipole interaction between cold atoms”.