Workshop on Quantum Information and Quantum Dynamics in Ion Traps, April 26 - 29, 2011, Madrid, Spain

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R. Blatt (P4a OEAW), talk,  Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ions

C. F. Roos (P4a OEAW), talk, Towards quantum simulations with trapped ions

F. Schimdt-Kaler (P18 JGUM), invited talk, Modern ion traps in 3D and 2D geometry and spin-spin interactions in cold ion crystals

S. Montangero (P1 UULM), invited talk, Control of Many Body Quantum Systems

M. Lewenstein (P7 ICFO), invited speaker

G. Morigi (P8 USAAR), invited talk, Entangling two distant oscillators with a quantum reservoir