MOLSPINQIP - Molecular spin Clusters for Quantum Information Processes

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Project details

Tel: +39-059-205-5327
Fax: +39-059-205-5651
Email: marco [dot] affronte [at] unimore [dot] it

Corso F. M. Perrone 24 Casella Postale 1615
Fact sheet: Available on CORDIS
Project description

Molecular spin clusters are prototypical systems exhibiting coherent dynamics of the electronic spin. The pattern of the lowest lying spin states is well defined and controlled at the synthetic level. The chemical bottom up approach used for the synthesis of molecules also allows to reduce intrinsic sources of decoherence and to build links between clusters, thus creating entanglement of spin states. Molecular spin clusters can be deposited at surfaces forming scalable networks. Different molecules and ligands may be combined to exploit different functionalities, the latter being defined at molecular level. These facts provide extraordinary motivation to attempt manipulation of spins and qubit encoding in these nanometer-sized molecular processors that, in turns, can be taken as test bench for the development of novel quantum algorithms.

With MolSpinQIP we intend to prove the validity of molecular spin clusters as building blocks for scalable quantum-information architectures. The project will therefore focus on the engineering of new molecules, the design of suitable computational schemes and further experiments aiming at provide compelling evidences on the manipulation of molecular spins. To achieve its goals, MolSpinQIP brings together seven academic world-leading teams from five European countries, chosen because of their high scientific quality and track record of successful collaboration. The competencies of the team range from chemistry to experimental and theoretical physics.

The goal of implementing quantum information processes is certainly ambitious but molecular spin clusters have a great potential both as a self-standing quantum device and as components of hybrid architectures. We also expect important fall out in testing novel synthetic routes to fabricate molecular processors/registers and in the realization of novel detectors that will certainly lead to significant progress in probing vanishingly small magnetic registers.