MINOS - Micro- and nano-optomechanical systems for ICT and QIPC

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Project details

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Email: markus [dot] aspelmeyer [at] univie [dot] ac [dot] at

Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information
Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna
Boltzmanngasse 5
1090 Wien
Website: http://www.minos-fp7.eu/
Fact sheet: Available on CORDIS
Project description

Micro- and Nano-mechanical systems have the potential to revolutionize Information Science Technologies (IST) by bringing back mechanics as an essential component to information processing with completely new versatility. Already now, these systems are about to provide a broad range of novel applications with impact in a variety of fields such as life sciences, optical sciences, materials science and, eventually, quantum information science. European research has to play a central role in this exciting development. This STREP will provide future key technologies to achieve this goal.

Downsizing mechanics to micro- and nano-mechanical systems allows entering a novel regime in which the mechanical properties can directly be manipulated by light and vice versa. These opto-mechanical effects open up a completely new field of controllable light-matter interaction on the micro- and nanoscale. At present, Europe is among the key players in this young and emerging field of micro- and nano-opto-mechanical systems (MOMS/NOMS). The proposed STREP collects Europe's leading scientists in the field to foster European competitiveness and to constitute clear lead competences. One main objective of the research initiative will be the development of new knowledge, methods and applications that can establish MOMS/NOMS as a future key technology for nanoscience. The prospects are clear: since both photonics and nanoscience will certainly play a vital role in future ICT, a combination of these technologies has the potential to create synergies of unpredictable impact.