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ICT BEYOND LIMITS builds on fundamental purpose-driven basic-science and technology-oriented research, which truly is of transformative nature, in the sense of leading to exceptional and unprecedented outcomes (the nurturing of this type of research representing clearly the FET mission).

It is multidisciplinary by nature and integrates diverse scientific and technological communities:

  • Basic traditional science disciplines such as experimental and theoretical physics, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, engineering and computer science;
  • A diversity of disciplines of computer science such as design and implementation of high performance and power-efficient computers, resource and power management, programming models, resilience, performance tools, CAD systems, adaptive databases, artificial intelligence, Human Machine Interfaces, resource and power management, programming models and runtimes, resilience, performance tools and architectures.

All these outstanding communities and disciplines will be federated under the common ICT BEYOND LIMITS initiative, thus forming an unprecedented critical mass that would be needed to ensure Europe’s leadership in the ICT field for the next decades, when the limits on the traditional electronics will be hit. It should be stressed that the theoretical communities in all the aforementioned areas will play an important role in the ICT BEYOND LIMITS flagship: they will push the knowledge of fundamental science topics (quantum physics, and nanoscale thermodynamics, to mention a few) beyond the state of the art, will investigate fundamentally new models and algorithms, protocols and approaches to ICT and in general they will guide and support experimental activity and covering a wide range of physical systems and technologies.

In addition, the ICT BEYOND LIMITS Flagship initiative will heavily rely on the intensive use of European integration centers, specialized labs and clean room facilities for nanotechnologies, large scale research instruments and HPC centers; at the same time it will gather participants from the following industrial sectors:

  • "Traditional" sectors such as energy, nanoelectronics, health, materials, transport, aeronautics which, as end-users will be actively involved in specifying the necessary contents and applications to come from the expected revolution of the e-design and the use of breakthroughs coming from quantum/phonon/fluctuation control;
  • High tech sectors, including highly specialized SME providing innovative solutions by leveraging the tremendous capabilities offered by novel classical and quantum technologies.

Finally, ICT BEYOND LIMITS will federate and transcend several European research efforts on the subjects of e-Design, Supercomputing, Quantum Technologies and Phonons & Fluctuations, in particular:

  • The EMBL, House of Simulation network, ETSF, CECAM++, HM research, JRC PETTEN, GENESYS;
  •  The Supercomputing E-Infrastructure “Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe” (PRACE) and PROSPECT, where industrial and academic partners aim at developing HPC technologies, as well as HIPEAC and EESI aiming for Exascale software;
  • The FET Proactive Initiatives Quantum Information Foundations and Technologies, NANO-ICT and Molecular Scale Devices and Systems, Zero-Power collaborative projects and communities, Nonlinear-stochastic-dynamics European networks, and, possibly, initiatives addressing atom chips and atom lasers, spintronics, single nano objects and similar topics.