Flagship initiatives

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The FET scheme as part of the DG INFSO ICT programme is in the process of setting up the FET Flagship Initiatives, as laid down in the communication 'Moving the ICT frontiers’ and endorsed by the conclusions of the COMP Council of 3/4 December 2009. As one of the key actions, this communication envisages the launch of at least 2 of these initiatives by 2013.

In the Commission view, FET Flagship Initiatives are proposed to be visionary, science and goal-driven large-scale European ICT research initiatives nucleated from FET but cascading into various scientific and technological areas of different maturity, from long term to more technology driven research. Built on established strengths of European research, FET Flagships are envisioned as long term initiatives, each on a budget of around 100 M€ Euros per year (a more detailed description on the concept and some initial candidate topics of these initiatives, please refer to the ISTAG report on FET Flagships). There are 5 topic suggestions described in this report (one of which, called "Future Information Processing Technologies" explicitly mentions QIPC) which can be regarded as initial ideas for discussion. A candidate Flagship Initiative should reach far beyond, for example, a topical research area in FET Proactive. It should embrace research challenges that can be addressed only by joining forces from FET, ICT and other parts of the European and National Research efforts, such as from the life sciences, energy, nanotechnology or capacities programmes.

The FET Flagship concept is explained in more details here.
More information on the FET Flagship concept can be gathered in the FET Proactive website (here and here).

The roadmap towards the selection of FET flagships can be instead found here.

Update: 02.12.2010

The original Consortium (plus some new industrial partners) of the formerly know "ICT-Beyond Limits" flagship initiative has submitted a Preparatory action proposal named "The Quantum IT Challenge" to the Objective ICT-2011.9.5: FET Flagship Initiative Preparatory Actions Target outcome a).

We expect the announcement of the 5-6 winning proposals around the mid of March.

Update: 09.08.2010

The Commission ICT Work-Programme 2011-2012 features a call for Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) for the identification of FET-Flagship Pilots (see also this news). Obviously the ICT Beyond Limits Consortium is going to submit a proposal.

Update: 01.06.2010

Peter Zoller will represent the "ICT Beyond Limits" consortium at the "SCIENCE & POLICY FORUM: FET Flagships' Workshop" and will illustrate in a plenary session our ideas of an excellent flagship. By the way below you'll find the links to the ICT Beyond Limits proposal.

The online version of the document can be browsed here,
a pdf of the full document will be generated following this link

Update: 31.03.2010

Today a consortium formed from representative of the communities involved in the fields of Quantum Technologies, Supercomputing, e-Design and Harnessing decoherence have submitted the joint proposal "ICT Beyond Limits: Computing reality, materializing simulations" to the second round of consultation for Flagship initiatives. 

Update: 19.03.2010

There has been several meetings between the various participants to the parallel session "New Paradigms for Computing and Engineering", which culminated with the meeting held today in Brussels at the Slovak embassy (see also this event announcement) to discuss some future plans for the Quantum Technologies FET flagship initiative.

An outcome of the meeting was the decision of merging the original four initiative which were submitted in the previous round of consultation (Quantum Technologies, Supercomputing, e-Design and Harnessing decoherence) into a unique initiative.

Update: 22.01.2010

The Commission has announced a Workshop on FET Flagship initiatives to be held in Brussels the 22 January 2010. The purpose of this information day is to:

  • Broadcast to the scientific community and Member States the launch of the Flagships preparation phase.
  • First discussion of proposed candidate topics with community support. Start-up phase of scientific/political programme level coordination of priorities and mapping of support from different communities.
  • Initiate setup of the Flagship Science Forum.

The full agenda of the meeting can be seen here.

For QUROPE Vladimir Buzek, Tommaso Calarco, Elisabeth Giacobino and Philippe Grangier will attend; Tommaso will also present the QUTE flagship in the afternoon parallel session "New Paradigms for Computing and Engineering" (the presentation can be downloaded here).

Update: 13.01.2010 

To collect broad input from key stakeholders like the scientific community and the science and research programme leaders, the FET programme has launched an online consultation for FET Flagship Initiatives (with a deadline the 13 of January 2010). QUROPE has taken this opportunity to be part of the process and suggested a possible flagship: Quantum Technologies.

The on-line version of the document can be browsed here,
a pdf of the full document will be generated following this link