Conference on Quantum Simulations, February 28 - March 5, 2011, Benasque, Spain

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M. Rizzi (P3c MPQ), poster, From Rotating Atomic Rings to Quantum Hall States

L. Mazza (P3c MPQ), poster, 3-body interactions with optical lattices

F. Schmidt-Kaler (P18 JGUM), invited talk, Designing spin-spin interactions in cold crystals

P. Hauke (P7 ICFO), talk, Robustness of Quantum Simulators

M. Lettner (P3b MPQ), talk, Remote entanglement between a single Atom and a Bose Einstein condensate

E. Kajari, A. Wolf, G. De Chiara, E. Lutz, G. Morigi (P8 USAAR), poster, Long-distance entanglement between two harmonic oscillators via a quantum reservoir