Conference on Quantum Science and Technologies, May 9 - 12, 2011, Auditorium Melotti, Rovereto, Itay

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M. Rizzi (P3c MPQ), poster, From Rotating Atomic Rings to Quantum Hall States

L. Mazza (P3c MPQ), poster, 3-body interactions with optical lattices

A. Pflanzer (P3c MPQ), poster, Macroscopic Quantum Superpositions of Levitating Nano-Spheres

P. Treutlein (P19 UNIBAS), invited talk, Quantum metrology with ultracold atoms on a chip

K. Mølmer (P9 UAARHUS), invited talk, Hybrid Quantum Computing

T. Caneva (P1 UULM), poster, Speeding up critical system dynamics through optimized evolution

A. Negretti (P1 UULM), poster, Optimal control of matter-waves in dipole traps

S. Montangero (P1 UULM), invited talk, Optimal control of Many Body Quantum Systems

A. Reiserer (P3b MPQ), poster, A Single-Atom Optical Quantum Memory

C. Cormick, J. D. Baltrusch, G. Morigi (P8 USAAR), poster, Trapping ions with lasers

R. Reinmann (P6 UBONN), poster, Feedback control of the hyperfine ground states of neutral atoms in an optical cavity

H.-J. Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), invited talk, Quantum science and technologies