22nd International Conference on Atom physics, ICAP 2010, July 25-30, 2010, Cairns, Tropical North Qeensland, Australia

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C.F. Roos (P4a OEAW), talk, Quantum simulations with trapped ions

A. Widera (P6 UBONN), invited talk, Coherently walking, rocking and blinding, single neutral atoms

M. Kuhnert, M. Gring, T. Langen, M. Schreitl, D.A. Smith and J. Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), poster, Many-Body Non-Equilibrium Dynamics and the Multimode Nature of 1D Bose Gases

C. Evellin (P2b), poster, Entangling two individual neutral atoms using the Rydberg blockade

K. Singer (P18), talk, Trapped Ions as quantum bits - essential numerical tools

U. Poschinger (P18), talk, A Spin Qubit in a Segmented Micro-Ion Trap

R. Nyman (P5 IMPERIAL), poster, An integrated, multi-channel, atom light interface