Many interacting fermions in a one-dimensional harmonic trap: a quantum-chemical treatment

2015-08-12 - 2015-09-26

Tomasz Grining, Michał Tomza, Michał Lesiuk, Michał Przybytek, Monika Musiał, Pietro Massignan, Maciej Lewenstein, Robert Moszynski


New J. Phys. 17 115001 (2015)

We employ ab initio methods of quantum chemistry

Energetics and Control of Ultracold Isotope-Exchange Reactions between Heteronuclear Dimers in External Fields

2015-03-24 - 2015-08-06

Michał Tomza


Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 063201

We show that isotope-exchange reactions between ground-state alkali-metal, alkaline-earth-metal, and lanthanide heteronuclear dimers consisting of two isotopes of the same atom are exothermic with an energy change in the range of 1–8000 MHz, thus resulting in cold or ultracold products.

Phase-dependent exciton transport and energy harvesting from thermal environments

2015-08-15 - 2016-02-16

S. Oviedo-Casado, J. Prior, A. W. Chin, R. Rosenbach, S. F. Huelga, and M. B. Plenio


Phys. Rev. A 93, 020102(R)

Non-Markovian effects in the evolution of open quantum systems have recently attracted widespread interest, particularly in the context of assessing the efficiency of energy and charge transfer in nanoscale biomolecular networks and quantum technologies. With the aid of many-body simulation methods, we uncover and analyze an ultrafast environmental process that causes energy relaxation in the reduced system to depend explicitly on the phase relation of the initial-state preparation.

Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy for the Study of Ion Coulomb Crystals

2014-06-30 - 2015-02-18

A. Lemmer, C. Cormick, C. T. Schmiegelow, F. Schmidt-Kaler, and M. B. Plenio


Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 073001

Ion Coulomb crystals are currently establishing themselves as a highly controllable test bed for mesoscopic systems of statistical mechanics. The detailed experimental interrogation of the dynamics of these crystals, however, remains an experimental challenge. In this work, we show how to extend the concepts of multidimensional nonlinear spectroscopy to the study of the dynamics of ion Coulomb crystals. The scheme we present can be realized with state-of-the-art technology and gives direct access to the dynamics, revealing nonlinear couplings even in the presence of thermal excitations.

Towards an experimentally feasible controlled-phase gate on two blockaded Rydberg atoms


M. Murphy, S. Montangero, T. Calarco, P. Grangier, A. Browaeys



We investigate the implementation of a controlled-Z gate on a pair of Rydberg atoms in spatially separated dipole traps where the joint excitation of both atoms into the Rydberg level is strongly suppressed (the Rydberg blockade). We follow the adiabatic gate scheme of Jaksch et al. [1], where the pair of atoms are coherently excited using lasers, and apply it to the experimental setup outlined in Ga\"etan et al. [2]. We apply optimisation to the experimental parameters to improve gate fidelity, and consider the impact of several experimental constraints on the gate success.

Speeding up the spatial adiabatic passage of matter waves in optical microtraps by optimal control


A. Negretti, A. Benseny, J. Mompart, T. Calarco


accepted for publication in Quantum Inf. Process.

We numerically investigate the performance of atomic transport in optical microtraps via the so called spatial adiabatic passage technique. Our analysis is carried out by means of optimal control methods, which enable us to determine suitable transport control pulses. We investigate the ultimate limits of the optimal control in speeding up the transport process in a triple well configuration for both a single atomic wave packet and a Bose-Einstein condensate within a regime of experimental parameters achievable with current optical technology.

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