01.30.+r Quantum states and dynamics as a resource for information processing

Solvable model of dissipative dynamics in the deep strong coupling regime


M. Bina, G. Romero, J. Casanova, J. J. García-Ripoll, A. Lulli, F. Casagrande, and E. Solano


Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 203, 207 (2012)

We describe the dynamics of a qubit interacting with a bosonic mode coupled to a zero-temperature bath in the deep strong coupling (DSC) regime. We provide an analytical solution for this open system dynamics in the off-resonance case of the qubit-mode interaction. Collapses and revivals of parity chain populations and the oscillatory behavior of the mean photon number are predicted. At the same time, photon number wave packets, propagating back and forth along parity chains, become incoherently mixed.

Entanglement Storage Units


T. Caneva, T. Calarco, S. Montangero


New J. Phys. 14 093041 (2012)

We introduce a protocol to drive many body quantum systems into long-lived entangled states, protected from decoherence by big energy gaps. With this approach it is possible to implement scalable entanglement-storage units. We test the protocol in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model, a prototype many-body quantum system that describes different experimental setups.

Bound Nonlocality and Activation


Nicolas Brunner, Daniel Cavalcanti, Alejo Salles, and Paul Skrzypczyk


Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 020402 (2011)

We investigate nonlocality distillation using measures of nonlocality based on the Elitzur-Popescu-Rohrlich decomposition. For a certain number of copies of a given nonlocal box, we define two quantities of interest: (i) the nonlocal cost and (ii) the distillable nonlocality. We find that there exist boxes whose distillable nonlocality is strictly smaller than their nonlocal cost. Thus nonlocality displays a form of irreversibility which we term “bound nonlocality.” Finally, we show that nonlocal distillability can be activated.

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