Spin-supersolid phase in Heisenberg chains: A characterization via matrix product states with periodic boundary conditions


D. Rossini, V. Giovannetti, and R. Fazio,


Phys. Rev. B 83, 140411 (2011)

By means of a variational calculation using matrix product states with periodic boundary conditions, we accurately determine the extension of the spin-supersolid phase predicted to exist in the spin-1 anisotropic Heisenberg chain. We compute both the structure factor and the superfluid stiffness and extract the critical exponents of the supersolid-to-solid phase transition. 

Stiffness in 1D matrix product states with periodic boundary conditions


D. Rossini, V. Giovannetti, and R. Fazio,


J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P05021

We discuss in detail a modified variational matrix product state algorithm for periodic boundary conditions, based on a recent work by Pippan et al (2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 081103(R)), which enables one to study large systems on a ring (composed of N ~ 102 sites). In particular, we introduce a couple of improvements allowing us to enhance the algorithm in terms of stability and reliability. We employ such a method to compute the stiffness of one-dimensional strongly correlated quantum lattice systems.

Speeding up critical system dynamics through optimized evolution


T. Caneva, T.Calarco, R. Fazio, G.E. Santoro, and S. Montangero,


Phys. Rev. A 84, 012312 (2011)

The number of defects which are generated upon crossing a quantum phase transition can be minimized by choosing properly designed time-dependent pulses. In this work we determine what are the ultimate limits of this optimization. We discuss under which conditions the production of defects across the phase transition is vanishing small.

Persistent Spin Oscillations in a Spin-Orbit-Coupled Superconductor


A. Agarwal, M. Polini, R. Fazio, and G. Vignale,


Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 077004 (2011)

Quasi-two-dimensional superconductors with tunable spin-orbit coupling are very interesting systems with properties that are also potentially useful for applications. In this Letter we demonstrate that these systems exhibit undamped collective spin oscillations that can be excited by the application of a supercurrent. We propose to use these collective excitations to realize persistent spin oscillators operating in the frequency range of 10 GHz–1 THz. 

Controlled Coupling of Spin-Resolved Quantum Hall Edge States


B. Karmakar, D. Venturelli, L. Chirolli, F. Taddei, V. Giovannetti, R. Fazio, S. Roddaro, G. Biasiol, L. Sorba, V. Pellegrini, and F. Beltram,


Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 236804 (2011)

We introduce and experimentally demonstrate a new method that allows us to controllably couple copropagating spin-resolved edge states of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the integer quantum Hall regime. The scheme exploits a spatially periodic in-plane magnetic field that is created by an array of Cobalt nanomagnets placed at the boundary of the 2DEG. A maximum charge or spin transfer of 28±1% is achieved at 250 mK. 

Josephson current in a four-terminal superconductor/exciton-condensate/superconductor system


S. Peotta, M. Gibertini, F. Dolcini, F. Taddei, M. Polini, L.B. Ioffe, R. Fazio, and A.H. MacDonald


Rev. B 84, 184528 (2011).

We investigate the transport properties of a bilayer exciton condensate that is contacted by four superconducting leads. We focus on the equilibrium regime and investigate how the Josephson currents induced in the bilayer by phase biases applied to the superconducting electrodes are affected by the presence of an exciton condensate in the bulk of the system. As long as the distance between the superconducting electrodes is much larger than the exciton coherence length, the Josephson current depends only on the difference between the phase biases in the two layers.

High-fidelity quantum driving


M. G. Bason, M. Viteau, N. Malossi, P. Huillery, E. Arimondo, D. Ciampini, R. Fazio, V. Giovannetti, R. Mannella, and O. Morsch


Nature Phys. 8, 147-152 (2012)

Accurately controlling a quantum system is a fundamental requirement in quantum information processing and the coherent manipulation of molecular systems. The ultimate goal in quantum control is to prepare a desired state with the highest fidelity allowed by the available resources and the experimental constraints. Here we experimentally implement two optimal high-fidelity control protocols using a two-level quantum system comprising Bose–Einstein condensates in optical lattices.

Detecting phonon blockade with photons


N. Didier, S. Pugnetti, Y.M. Blanter, and R. Fazio


Phys. Rev. B 84, 054503 (2011)

Measuring the quantum dynamics of a mechanical system, when few phonons are involved, remains a challenge. We show that a superconducting microwave resonator linearly coupled to the mechanical mode constitutes a very powerful probe for this scope. This new coupling can be much stronger than the usual radiation pressure interaction by adjusting a gate voltage. We focus on the detection of phonon blockade, showing that it can be observed by measuring the statistics of the light in the cavity. The underlying reason is the formation of an entangled state between the two resonators.

Controlling microscopic defects with superconducting quantum bit circuits


J. Lisenfeld

Seminar der Forschungsabteilung FA3 Quantendetektion ,IPHT, Jena, Germany
Invited Talk

Measuring the temperature dependence of individual two-level systems by direct coherent control

2011-03-13 - 2011-03-18

J. Lisenfeld, C. Müller, J. H. Cole, P. Bushev, A. Lukashenko, A. Shnirman, and A. V. Ustinov

DPG 2011, Dresden, Germany
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