Investigation of Dielectric Losses in Hydrogenated Amorphoussilicon (a-Si:H) thin Films Using Superconducting Microwave Resonators


A. Brunoa, S.T. Skacelc, Ch. Kaiserc, S. Wünsch, M. Siegel, A.V. Ustinov, M.P. Lisitskiy


Phys. Proc. 36, 245 (2012)

The improvement of the coherence times of superconducting qubits depends on the reduction of the dielectric losses in the insulating materials implemented for the device fabrication. These losses depend on the density of spurious dipoles of different nature (two-level systems, TLSs) which couple to phase qubits and, hence, limit their coherence times.

Strain Tuning of Individual Atomic Tunneling Systems Detected by a Superconducting Qubit


G. J. Grabovskij, T. Peichl, J. Lisenfeld, G. Weiss, A. V. Ustinov


Science 338, 232 (2012)

In structurally disordered solids, some atoms or small groups of atoms are able to quantum mechanically tunnel between two nearly equivalent sites. These atomic tunneling systems have been identified as the cause of various low-temperature anomalies of bulk glasses and as a source of decoherence of superconducting qubits where they are sparsely present in the disordered oxide barrier of Josephson junctions.

Frequency division multiplexing readout and simultaneous manipulation of an array of flux qubits


M. Jerger, S. Poletto, P. Macha, U. Hübner, E. Il’ichev, and A. V. Ustinov


Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 042604 (2012)

Physics Nobel Prize 2012


Serge Haroche from France and David Wineland from the United States share the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics for experimental work on quantum optics.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2012 was awarded jointly to Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland "for ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems".

Read the official announcement on

Photon production from the vacuum close to the super-radiant transition: When Casimir meets Kibble-Zurek


G. Vacanti, S. Pugnetti, N. Didier, M. Paternostro, G. M. Palma, R. Fazio, and V. Vedral


to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett.

The dynamical Casimir effect (DCE) predicts the generation of photons from the vacuum due to the parametric amplification of the quantum fluctuation of an electromagnetic field\cite{casimir1,casimir2}. The verification of such effect is still elusive in optical systems due to the very demanding requirements of its experimental implementation. This typically requires very fast changes of the boundary conditions of the problem, such as the high-frequency driving of the positions of the mirrors of a cavity accommodating the field.

Geometric phase kickback in a mesoscopic qubit-oscillator system


G. Vacanti, R. Fazio, M. S. Kim, G. M. Palma, M. Paternostro, V. Vedral,


to be published in Phys. Rev. A

We illustrate a reverse Von Neumann measurement scheme in which a geometric phase induced on a quantum harmonic oscillator is measured using a microscopic qubit as a probe. We show how such a phase, generated by a cyclic evolution in the phase space of the harmonic oscillator, can be kicked back on the qubit, which plays the role of a quantum interferometer. We also extend our study to finite-temperature dissipative Markovian dynamics and discuss potential implementations in micro and nano-mechanical devices coupled to an effective two-level system. 

Time-bin entanglement of quasiparticles in semiconductor devices


L. Chirolli, V. Giovannetti, V. Scarani and R. Fazio,


Phys. Rev. B 84, 195307 (2011)

A scheme to produce time-bin entangled pairs of electrons and holes is proposed. It is based on a high-frequency time-resolved single-electron source from a quantum dot coupled to one-dimensional chiral channels. Operating the device in the weak tunneling regime, we show that at the lowest order in the tunneling rate, an electron-hole pair is emitted in a coherent superposition state of different time bins determined by the driving pulse sequence. 

Floquet theory of Cooper pair pumping


A. Russomanno, S. Pugnetti, V. Brosco, and R. Fazio,


Phys. Rev. B 83, 214508 (2011)

We derive a general formula for the charge pumped in a superconducting nanocircuit. Our expression generalizes previous results in several ways; it is applicable in both the adiabatic and in the nonadiabatic regimes and it takes into account also the effect of an external environment. More specifically, by applying Floquet theory to Cooper pair pumping, we show that under a cyclic evolution the total charge transferred through the circuit is proportional to the derivative of the associated Floquet quasi-energy with respect to the superconducting phase difference.

Spatially resolved analysis of edge-channel equilibration in quantum Hall circuits


N. Paradiso, S. Heun, S. Roddaro, D. Venturelli, F. Taddei, V. Giovannetti, R. Fazio, G. Biasiol, L. Sorba, and F. Beltram,


Phys. Rev. B 83, 155305 (2011)

We demonstrate an innovative quantum Hall circuit with variable geometry employing the movable electrostatic potential induced by a biased atomic force microscope tip. We exploit this additional degree of freedom to identify the microscopic mechanisms that allow two co-propagating edge channels to equilibrate their charge imbalance. Experimental results are compared with tight-binding simulations based on a realistic model for the disorder potential.

Edge channel mixing induced by potential steps in an integer quantum Hall system


D. Venturelli, V. Giovannetti, F. Taddei, R. Fazio, D. Feinberg, G. Usaj, and C.A. Balseiro,


Phys. Rev. B 83, 075315 (2011)

We investigate the coherent mixing of copropagating edge channels in a quantum Hall bar produced by step potentials. In the case of two edge channels it is found that, although a single step induces only a few percent mixing, a series of steps could yield 50% mixing. In addition, a strong mixing is found when the potential height of a single step allows a different number of edge channels on the two sides of the step. Charge density probability has been also calculated even for the case where the step is smoothened. 

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