Programme on Topological Phases of Quantum Matter

Hong-Hao Tu (MPQ), Vienna (Austria), 10-31 August 2014, "Projected entangled-pair states for chiral topological phases"

Topology and Entanglement in Correlated Quantum Systems

Hong-Hao Tu (MPQ), Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (Dresden, Germany), 27 July - 2 August 2014, "Infinite Matrix Product States from Conformal Field Theory"

Workshop on “Numerical and analytical methods for strongly correlated systems”

Thorsten Wahl (MPQ), Benasque (Spain), 24 August to 13 September 2014, "Symmetries and boundary theories for chiral Projected Entangled Pair States"

Information theoretic foundations of physics

Gemma De las Cuevas (MPQ), Perimeter Institute (Canada), 11-15 May 2015, "Which discrete states have a continuum limit?"

Coogee workshop

Gemma De las Cuevas (MPQ), Coogee (Australia), 21-23 January 2015, "Which discrete states have a continuum limit?"

Bristol Quantum Information Technologies Workshop

Bristol Quantum Information Technologies Workshop, Bristol, UK
participation of Grégoire Ribordy to the round table on Quantum Technologies



SIGS Technology Summit

SIGS Technology Summit, Bern, Switzerland
presentation by Grégoire Ribordy: "Quantum-safe cryptography"


2nd ETSI Quantum Safe Workshop

2nd ETSI Quantum Safe Workshop, Ottawa, Canada
presentation by Grégorie Ribordy: "Quantum Random Number Generator"


Euroscience Open Forum 2014

Euroscience Open Forum 2014, Copenhagen
presentation from grégoire Ribordy: "A new era of quantum mechanics"
25 June 2014

7th Winterschool on quantum communications

7th Winterschool on quantum communications, Les Diablerets, Switzerland
organized by ID Quantique SA
From 18 to 22 January 2015
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