Quantum Technologies Conference V

J. I. Cirac, September 2014, Krakow (Poland), "Tensor Networks and efficient description of many-body quantum systems"

Gordon Research Conference on “Quantum Science”

J. I. Cirac, Easton (USA), July 2014, "New Platforms for Quantum Simulations with Cold Atoms"

Workshop on “Topology and Entanglement in correlated Quantum Systems”

J. I. Cirac, MPI for Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden (Germany), July 2014, "Symmetries and boundary theories for chiral Projected Entangled Pair State"

2nd Seefeld workshop on Quantum Information

J. I. Cirac, June 2014, Seefeld in Tirol (Austria), "Bulk-boundary correspondences with Projected Entangled Pair State"

2o workshop ICE-1 “Información Cuántica en España 1”

J. I. Cirac, Zaragoza (Spain), June 2014, "Bulk-boundary theories from a quantum information theory perspective"

Workshop on “Quantum Matter”, Benasque

J. I. Cirac, June 2014, Benasque (Spain), "Symmetries and boundary theories for chiral Projected Entangled Pair State"

Workshop “Many-Body Localization and Associated Theory”

J. I. Cirac, Princeton Center for Theoretical Science (USA), March 2014, "Many-body localization from a quantum information perspective"

COST action MP1006 Conference

J. I. Cirac, March 2014, Rehovot (Israel), "Bulk-boundary correspondence and Tensor Network States"

Heralded Quantum Gates with Integrated Error Detection in Optical Cavities


J. Borregaard, P. Kómár, E. M. Kessler, A. S. Sørensen, and M. D. Lukin


Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 110502 (2015)

We propose and analyze heralded quantum gates between qubits in optical cavities. They employ an auxiliary qubit to report if a successful gate occurred. In this manner, the errors, which would have corrupted a deterministic gate, are converted into a nonunity probability of success: once successful, the gate has a much higher fidelity than a similar deterministic gate.

Conference "New trends in complex quantum system dynamics"

E. Zohar, 25 May 2015, Cartagena University (Spain), "Formulating lattice gauge theories for quantum simulations"

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