Quantum Systems and Technology (2012) Monte Verita, Switzerland, Monte Verita, Switzerland, Jun 18 - Jun 22, 2012

K. F. Reim, T. Thiele, S. Filipp, M. Stammeier, A. Wallraff, S. D. Hogan, P. Allmendinger, J. A. Agner, and F. Merkt, (p13 ETHZ) poster "Rydberg atoms and superconducting qubits - a hybrid cavity QED interface"

11th Intl. Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing, Vienna, Austria, July 30 - Aug 3, 2012

S. Filipp, T. Thiele, S. D. Hogan, J. A. Agner, F. Merkt, and A. Wallraff (P13 ETHZ) poster "Interfacing Microwave Photons with Rydberg Atoms on a Superconducting Chip"

NI Summer School on "FPGA and High Performance Computing Technologies"Munich, September 10 2012

M. Stammeier, K. F. Reim, T. Thiele, S. Filipp, M. Stammeier, A. Wallraff, S. D. Hogan, P. Allmendinger, J. A. Agner, and F. Merkt (P13 ETHZ) poster "Rydberg atoms and superconducting qubits - a hybrid cavity QED interface"

Second QUAINT workshop, April 8-10, 2013, Dijon, France

I. Dotsenko (P2 CNRS) talk “Quantum feedback control of photon number states in a cavity”

APS March meeting, Baltimore, March 18-22, 2013.

M. Brune (P2 CNRS) talk "Quantum Feedback for preparing and stabilizing photon number states of a field stored in a cavity"


S. Filipp, T. Thiele, M. Stammeier, A. Wallraff, S. D. Hogan, J. Agner, and Merkt (P13 ETHZ) contributed talk "Interfacing Rydberg atoms with superconducting circuits"

Trails in quantum mechanics and surroundings, Frascati, January 2013

J.M. Raimond (P2 CNRS) talk "quantum measurement and quantum feedback with atoms and cavities"

Nobel Lectures, 8th December 2012 Stockholm Sweden

S. Haroche (P2 CNRS) Nobel Lecture 

Séminaire de Physique Théorique, Novembre 14, 2012, Tours, France

I. Dotsenko (P2 CNRS) talk « Experiments with individual photons in a box »

Design and stability of discrete-time quantum filters with measurement imperfections


A. Somaraju, I. Dotsenko, C. Sayrin, P. Rouchon


American Control Conference (ACC), 2012
ISSN : 0743-1619
E-ISBN : 978-1-4673-2102-0
Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-1095-7
INSPEC Accession Number: 13036409

This work considers the theory underlying a discrete-time quantum filter recently used in a quantum feedback experiment. It proves that this filter taking into account decoherence and measurement errors is optimal and stable.

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