seminar talk Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna (AT), September 14th, 2012


Stevene Habraken (P4 OEAW) Talk "-Bridging optomechanics and soft-matter physics"

Introductory course on quantum gases, Innsbruck (A), 10/07/2012

Marcello Dalmonte (P4 OEAW) Lectures: "Basic BEC theory"; "Many-body physics with ultra cold atoms"

Inscience 22 february 2011

Research Breakthrough for Photons in the Microwave Frequency Range 22 februrary 2011

Breakthrough for photons in the microwave frequency range

IDW online 23 June 2011




Mit Quantensprüngen zum Erfolg

Blick am Abend 23 June 2011

Andreas Wallraff erhält Max Rössler-Preis-2011

Tages-Anzeiger 28.06.2011

"Auf dem Weg zum Schweizer Supercomputer" 

Colloquium at Universität Kassel, November 10 2011

Kilian Singer (p18 JGUM) talk "Ion Traps for Deterministic Ion Implantation and scalable quantum information"

Seminar at University of Southampton, UK, February 17 2012

Kilian Singer (P18 JGUM) talk "Novel Ion Traps for Deterministic Ion Implantation and Quantum Simulation"

Seminar at ETH Zürich, Swiss, March 2 2012

Kilian Singer (P18 JGUM) talk "Novel Ion Traps for Deterministic Ion Implantation and Quantum Simulation"

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