
Special Seminar, Istitut d'Optique, Palaiseau, France 06.07.2012

Dieter Meschede (P6 UBONN) talk "Cold Atoms go Digital"

LTC seminar Lundbeck Foundation Theoretical Center for Quantum System Research, Aarhus University, Denmark 20.06.2012

Tobias Kampschulte (P6 UBONN) talk "Dynamics and feedback control of one and two atoms strongly coupled to high-finesse optical cavity"

College de France Lecture Series, 4 lectures College de France, Paris, France 06/13/20/27.06.2012

Dieter Meschede (P6 UBONN) invited Lectures

Lec I:   Single Atoms: Controlling the Quantum World

Lec II:  Single Atoms and Single Photons: Retrieving Information

Lec III: Quantum Walks and Digital Quantum Simulation

Lec IV:  Did We Forget to Properly Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Laser?



Special Seminar, Department fo Physics, University of Ariyona, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 22.05.2012

Dieter Meschede (P6 UBONN) talk "Bottom up to Discrete Quantum Simulation with Neutral Atoms"

QUANTUM Seminar, Istitut für Physics, Universität Mainz, Germany 10.05.2012

Dieter Meschede (P6 UBONN) talk "Bottom up to Discrete Quantum Simulation with Neutral Atoms"

Physikalisches Kolloquium Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany 15.12.2011

Dieter Meschede (P6 UBONN) talk "Bottom up to discrete Quantum simulation with neutral atoms"

QUINST Seminars Universidad del Paìs Vasco UPV/EHU Bilbao, Sapin 29.11 - 30.11.2011

Dieter Meschede (P6 UBONN) Lectures: "Controlling neutral atoms one by one", "Discrete quantum simulation with neutral atoms Lec III: Cavity QED with and without cavities Lec IV:  51 Years of Lasers. An overlooked occasion?"

Symposium "Photons, atoms, and beyond", Pisa, Italy University of Pisa 29.09.2012

Andrea Alberti (P6 UBONN) talk "Electric quantum walks"

The 23rd International Conference on Atomic Physics ICAP 2012, Orsay (Paris), France Institut d'Optique, CNRS 23.07 - 27.07.2012

Andrea Alberti (P6 UBONN) poster "A digital atom interferometer with single particle control"

T. Grass, (P7 ICFO) poster: Non-Abelian Spin Singlets of Bosons in Artificial Gauge Fields

P. Treutlein (P19 UNIBAS/P11 LMU) talk "Hybrid atom membrane optomechanics"

International Symposium on Cavity-QED, Brighton, UK University of Sussex 11.06. - 12.06.2012

Dieter Meschede (P6 UBONN) talk "Controlling single neutral atoms rather than single ions"

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