
Colloquium at the Universität Bayreuth, Germany, January 17 2012

F. Schmidt-Kaler (p18 JGUM) “Quantentechnologien mit gefangenen Ionen: Quanten-Computer, Quanten-Simulatoren und  Quanten-Repeater“

Colloquium at the Universität Bonn, Germany January 24 2012

F. Schmidt-Kaler (P18 JGUM) talk "Quantum technologies with trapped ions: Quantum-computer,-simulator and -repeater"

Physik am Samstagmorgen: Universität Mainz, April 28 2012


F. Schmidt-Kaler (P18 JGUM) talk : “Reise zum absoluten Nullpunkt der Temperatur“, „Auf dem Weg zum Quantencomputer“, „Quantenkommunikation und geheime Schlüssel“

Physics 4, 97 (2011)

Hybrid Atom-Optomechanics
Physics Viewpoint by A. Schliesser and T. J. Kippenberg

CIFAR UltraCold Matter Meeting 2012, Banff, Canada, 16 February 2012

P. Treutlein (P19 UNIBAS/ P11 LMU) talk "Hybrid atom-optomechanics"

workshop Quantum Simulators, October 2012, Bilbao, Spain

M. Lewenstein (P7 ICFO), talk: Simulating Gauge Field Theories and More (talk given by L. Tagliacozzo because of M. Lewenstein’s illness)

ESF-Workshop Cold and Ultracold Molecules, November 2012, Obergurgl, Austria.

M. Lewenstein (P7 ICFO), talk: Beyond standard Fermi Hubbard models

Antoine Browaeys, (P2 CNRS) talk “Experimental investigation of long range dipole-dipole interaction between cold atoms”

Informatica Quantica Española, September 2012, CSIC, Madrid, Spain.

M. Lewenstein, (P7 ICFO) talk: Quantum  Information Theory at QOT-ICFO

Device-Independent Quantum Information Processing, June 2012, ICFO, Castelldefels, Spain

M. Lewenstein (P7 ICFO), talk: Entanglement and correlations in many-body systems

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