ICFO student chapter seminar, November 2010, Casteldefells, Spain

P. Hauke (P7 ICFO), talk, Devil´s staircases, quasi-supersolids, and crystal-superfluid transitions in long-range interacting spin chains. A trapped ion quantum simulation

Bell inequalities with no quantum violation and unextendible product bases


R. Augusiak, J. Stasińska, C. Hadley, J. K. Korbicz, M. Lewenstein, A. Acín


Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 070401 (2011)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.070401

The strength of classical correlations is subject to certain constraints, commonly known as Bell inequalities. Violation of these inequalities is the manifestation of nonlocality—displayed, in particular, by quantum mechanics, meaning that quantum mechanics can outperform classical physics at tasks associated with such Bell inequalities. Interestingly, however, there exist situations in which this is not the case.

Tunable dipolar resonances and Einstein-de Haas effect in a Rb-87 atoms condensate


T. Swisłocki, T. Sowiński, J. Pietraszewicz, M. Brewczyk, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski, M. Gajda



We study a spinor condensate of Rb-87 atoms in F = 1 hyperfine state confined in an optical dipole trap. Putting initially all atoms in mF = 1 component we observe a significant transfer of atoms to other, initially empty Zeeman states exclusively due to dipolar forces. Because of conservation of a total angular momentum the atoms going to other Zeeman components acquire an orbital angular momentum and circulate around the center of the trap. This is a realization of Einstein-de Haas effect in a system of cold gases.

Atom Counting in Expanding Ultracold Clouds


S. Braungardt, M. Rodríguez, A. Sen De, U. Sen, M. Lewenstein



We study the counting statistics of ultracold bosonic atoms that are released from an optical lattice. We show that the counting probability distribution of the atoms collected at a detector located far away from the optical lattice can be used as a method to infer the properties of the initially trapped states. We consider initial superfluid and insulating states with different occupation patterns. We analyze how the correlations between the initially trapped modes that develop during the expansion in the gravitational field are reflected in the counting distribution.

Ultracold Dipolar Gases in Optical Lattices


C. Trefzger, C. Menotti, B. Capogrosso-Sansone, M. Lewenstein



This tutorial is a theoretical work, in which we study the physics of ultra-cold dipolar bosonic gases in optical lattices. Such gases consist of bosonic atoms or molecules that interact via dipolar forces, and that are cooled below the quantum degeneracy temperature, typically in the nK range. When such a degenerate quantum gas is loaded into an optical lattice produced by standing waves of laser light, new kinds of physical phenomena occur. These systems realize then extended Hubbard-type models, and can be brought to a strongly correlated regime.

Quantum simulation of frustrated classical magnetism in triangular optical lattices


J. Struck, C. Ölschläger, R. Le Targat, P. Soltan-Panahi, A. Eckardt, M. Lewenstein, P. Windpassinger, K. Sengstock


Science 333, 996-999 (2011)

Magnetism plays a key role in modern technology and stimulates research in several branches of condensed matter physics. Although the theory of classical magnetism is well developed, the demonstration of a widely tunable experimental system has remained an elusive goal. Here, we present the realization of a large-scale simulator for classical magnetism on a triangular lattice by exploiting the particular properties of a quantum system.

Orbital order of spinless fermions near an optical Feshbach resonance


P. Hauke, E. Zhao, K. Goyal, I. H. Deutsch, W. V. Liu, M. Lewenstein




Orbital physics plays an important in strongly-correlated electron systems, but coupling to other degrees of freedom often obscures its effects. A tunable system for exploring orbital physics alone is provided by ultracold spinless fermionic atoms in the p-band of an optical lattice.

Scaling of the entanglement spectrum in the vicinity of the Haldane phase

2011-07-04 - 2011-07-05

G. De Chiara, L. Lepori, M. Lewenstein, A. Sanpera



We examine, using density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm and finite size scaling theory, the behavior of the entanglement spectrum in the vicinity of the Haldane phase for spin-1 chains. We show that the difference between the two largest coefficients in the entanglement spectrum, the Schmidt gap, scales up to small logarithmic corrections, with universal critical exponents when approaching a quantum phase transition, yielding a further link between entanglement theory and conformal field theory.

Two component Bose-Hubbard model with higher angular momentum states


J. Pietraszewicz, T. Sowinski, M. Brewczyk, J. Zakrzewski, M. Lewenstein, M. Gajda



We study a Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian of ultracold two component gas of spinor Chromium atoms. Dipolar interactions of magnetic moments while tuned resonantly by ultralow magnetic field can lead to spin flipping. Due to approximate axial symmetry of individual lattice site, total angular momentum is conserved. Therefore, all changes of the spin are accompanied by the appearance of the angular orbital momentum. This way excited Wannier states with non vanishing angular orbital momentum can be created.

The bilinear-biquadratic spin-1 chain undergoing quadratic Zeeman effect


G. De Chiara, M. Lewenstein, A. Sanpera


Phys. Rev. B 84, 054451 (2011)

The Heisenberg model for spin-1 bosons in one dimension presents many different quantum phases, including the famous topological Haldane phase. Here we study the robustness of such phases in front of a SU(2) symmetry-breaking field as well as the emergence of unique phases. Previous studies have analyzed the effect of such uniaxial anisotropy in some restricted relevant points of the phase diagram. Here we extend those studies and present the complete phase diagram of the spin-1 chain with uniaxial anisotropy.

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