ESF-Workshop Cold and Ultracold Molecules, November 2012, Obergurgl, Austria.

M. Lewenstein (P7 ICFO), talk: Beyond standard Fermi Hubbard models

Antoine Browaeys, (P2 CNRS) talk “Experimental investigation of long range dipole-dipole interaction between cold atoms”

Informatica Quantica Española, September 2012, CSIC, Madrid, Spain.

M. Lewenstein, (P7 ICFO) talk: Quantum  Information Theory at QOT-ICFO

Device-Independent Quantum Information Processing, June 2012, ICFO, Castelldefels, Spain

M. Lewenstein (P7 ICFO), talk: Entanglement and correlations in many-body systems

Winter School Quantum optics and quantum information, March 2012, Obergurgl, Austria

M. Lewenstein, (P7 ICFO) talk: Quantum Simulators

QUO VADIS BEC conference, August 2012, Bad Honnef, Germany

T. Grass, (P7 ICFO) poster: Bosonic Fractional Quantum Hall States in Geometric Gauge Fields

Theory of Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherence conference, Lyon, France, 2012

O. Dutta, (P7 ICFO) poster: Generalized Hubbard Models with occupation dependent parameters

B. Julia-Diaz, (P7 ICFO) poster: Bosonic fractional quantum Hall states in geometric gauge fields

B. Julia-Diaz (P7 ICFO) poster: Non-abelian spin singlet states of Bose gases in artificial gauge fields

DIQIP kick–off meeting, 23-25/11/2011, Geneve, Switzerland

R. Augusiak, (P7 ICFO) talk: Hilbert space structure and characterization of correlations

Entangling dynamics beyond quantum theory


Lluis Masanes, Markus P. Mueller, David Perez-Garcia, Remigiusz Augusiak


arXiv:1111.4060 [quant-ph]

(or arXiv:1111.4060v1 [quant-ph] for this version)

We explore the existence of entangling dynamics in a large family of theories which contains quantum theory as a special case. We classify all continuously-reversible and locally-tomographic theories for bipartite systems where each subsystem has a state space with the geometry of a Euclidean ball (like the Bloch ball of a qubit but with dimension not necessarily equal to three). We show that the only theory in this family which has interacting dynamics is quantum theory, and all the other theories do not allow for entanglement nor violation of Bell inequalities.

Local Orthogonality: a multipartite principle for correlations

2012-10-10 - 2012-11-09

T. Fritz, A. B. Sainz, R. Augusiak, J. B. Brask, R. Chaves, A. Leverrier, A. Acín


arXiv:1210.3018 [quant-ph]

(or arXiv:1210.3018v2 [quant-ph] for this version)

In recent years, the use of information principles to understand quantum correlations has been very successful. Unfortunately, the programme is limited by the fact that all principles considered so far have a bipartite formulation, but intrinsically multipartite principles, yet to be discovered, are necessary for reproducing quantum correlations. In this work, we introduce the principle of Local Orthogonality, an intrinsically multipartite principle which states that events involving different outcomes of the same local measurement must be exclusive, or orthogonal.

A digital approach to quantum theory


Lluis Masanes, Markus P. Mueller, Remigiusz Augusiak, David Perez-Garcia


arXiv:1208.0493 [quant-ph]
arXiv:1208.0493v1 [quant-ph] for this version

Does information play a significant role in the foundations of physics? Information is the abstraction that allows us to refer to the states of systems when we choose to ignore the systems themselves. The viability of this can be formalized by postulating the existence of an information unit such that the state of any system can be reversibly encoded in a sufficient number of such units (bits/qubits in the classical/quantum case). This property of classical and quantum theory is not true in general, so we promote it to a postulate.

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