
The quantum speed limit of optimal controlled phasegates for trapped neutral atoms


M. H. Goerz, T. Calarco, C. P. Koch


J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 154011 (2011)

We study controlled phasegates for ultracold atoms in an optical potential. A shaped laser pulse drives transitions between the ground and electronically excited states where the atoms are subject to a long-range 1/R3 interaction. We fully account for this interaction and use optimal control theory to calculate the pulse shapes. This allows us to determine the minimum pulse duration, respectively, gate time T that is required to obtain high fidelity.

Generation of correlated photon pairs in a chalcogenide As2S3 waveguide


C. Xiong, G. D. Marshall, A. Peruzzo, M. Lobino, A. S. Clark, D.-Y. Choi, S. J. Madden, C. M. Natarajan, M. G. Tanner, R. H. Hadfield, S. N. Dorenbos, T. Zijlstra, V. Zwiller, M. G. Thompson, J. G. Rarity, M. J. Steel, B. Luther-Davies, B. J. Eggleton, and J. L. O’Brien


Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 051101 (2011); doi:10.1063/1.3549744

We demonstrate a 1550 nm correlated photon-pair source in an integrated glass platform—a chalcogenide As2S3 waveguide. A measured pair coincidence rate of 80 s−1 was achieved using 57 mW of continuous-wave pump. The coincidence to accidental ratio was shown to be limited by spontaneous Raman scattering effects that are expected to be mitigated by using a pulsed pump source.

Six-photon entangled Dicke state enabled by a UV enhancement cavity as novel SPDC photon source


Witlef Wieczorek; Roland Krischek; Akira Ozawa; Géza Tóth; Nikolai Kiesel; Patrick Michelberger; Thomas Udem; Harald Weinfurter


SPIE Proceeding
Proceedings Vol. 7727
Quantum Optics, Victor N. Zadkov; Thomas Durt, Editors, 77270L
DOI: 10.1117/12.853599

Photon sources for multi-photon entanglement experiments are commonly based on the process of spontaneous parametric down conversion. Due to the probabilistic photon production, such experiments suffer from low multiphoton count rates. To increase this count rate, we present a novel SPDC pump source based on a femtosecond UV enhancement cavity that increases the available pump power while maintaining a high repetition rate of 80MHz. We apply the cavity as photon source for realizing symmetric, multi-partite entangled Dicke states, which are observed with a high rate and high fidelity.

Precision Quantum Metrology and Nonclassicality in Linear and Nonlinear Detection Schemes


Ángel Rivas and Alfredo Luis


Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 010403 (2010)

We examine whether metrological resolution beyond coherent states is a nonclassical effect. We show that this is true for linear detection schemes but false for nonlinear schemes, and propose a very simple experimental setup to test it. We find a nonclassicality criterion derived from quantum Fisher information.

Loss-resistant state teleportation and entanglement swapping using a quantum-dot spin in an optical microcavity


C. Y. Hu and J. G. Rarity


Phys. Rev. B 83, 115303 (2011)

We present schemes for efficient state teleportation and entanglement swapping using a single quantum-dot spin in an optical microcavity based on giant circular birefringence. State teleportation or entanglement swapping is heralded by the sequential detection of two photons and is finished after the spin measurement. The spin-cavity unit works as a complete Bell-state analyzer with a built-in spin memory allowing loss-resistant repeater operation.

Heralded generation of entangled photon pairs


Stefanie Barz, Gunther Cronenberg, Anton Zeilinger and Philip Walther


Nature Photonics 4, 553 - 556 (2010)

Entangled photons are a crucial resource for quantum communication and linear optical quantum computation. Unfortunately, the applicability of many photon-based schemes is limited due to the stochastic character of the photon sources. Therefore, a worldwide effort has focused on overcoming the limitation of probabilistic emission by generating two-photon entangled states conditioned on the detection of auxiliary photons.

Call for nominations for the QIPC Young Investigator Award 2011 published


A call for nominations for the QIPC Young Investigator Award 2011 has been published.

More details at the calls page.

Coherent optimal control of photosynthetic molecules


F. Caruso, S. Montangero, T. Calarco, S. F. Huelga, M. B. Plenio


Phys. Rev. A 85, 042331 (2012)

We demonstrate theoretically that open-loop quantum optimal control techniques can provide efficient tools for the verification of various quantum coherent transport mechanisms in natural and artificial light-harvesting complexes under realistic experimental conditions.

Chopped random basis quantum optimization


T. Caneva, T. Calarco, S. Montangero


Phys. Rev. A 84, 022326 (2011)

In this work we describe in detail the "Chopped RAndom Basis" (CRAB) optimal control technique recently introduced to optimize t-DMRG simulations [arXiv:1003.3750]. Here we study the efficiency of this control technique in optimizing different quantum processes and we show that in the considered cases we obtain results equivalent to those obtained via different optimal control methods while using less resources. We propose the CRAB optimization as a general and versatile optimal control technique.

QIPC2011 web site on-line


The web site for the QIPC 2011 conference in Zuerich is now available.

The web site of the international conference on Quantum Information Processing and Communication (QIPC) 2011 to be held at ETH Zurich from September 5 - 9, 2011 is open now. On the web site you find information on the program, a list of invited speakers, a list of local and program committee members, information on accommodation and the venue of the conference and much more.

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