
A presentation of a project, a talk or poster, etc.

Actively-stabilised quantum key distribution operating continuously at 1Mb/s, by A.R. Dixon (TREL)


 Authors: A. R. Dixon, Z. L. Yuan, J. F. Dynes, A. W. Sharpe and A. J. Shields

Authors: A. R. Dixon

1st May 2010, contributed talk

CLEO/QELS 2010, San Jose, USA

Q-ESSENCE WP2.5: Quantum communication test beds

A light emitting diode source of entangled photons, by R. M. Stevenson (TREL)


 Authors: R. M. Stevenson, C. L. Salter(C), I. Farrer, C. A. Nicoll, D. A. Ritchie and A. J. Shields

Presenter: R.M. Stevenson

1st April 2010, contributed talk

Quantum Dots 2010, Nottingham, UK

Q-ESSENCE WP2.2: Quantum light sources

Interference of photons from separated quantum dots, by A.J. Bennett (TREL)


 Authors: A. J. Bennett, R. B. Patel, I. Farrer, C. A. Nicoll, D. A. Ritchie and A. J. Shields

Presenter: A.J. Bennett

1st April 2010, contributed talk

Quantum Dots 2010, Nottingham, UK

Q-ESSENCE WP2.2: Quantum light sources

Entanglement distribution over 200km, by J.F. Dynes (TREL)


 Authors: J. F. Dynes, H. Takesue, Z. L. Yuan, A. W. Sharpe, K. Harada, T. Honjo, H. Kamada, Y. Nishida, M. Asobe and A. J. Shields

Presenter: J.F. Dynes 

1st April 2010, poster

Planar silicon SPADs with improved photon detection efficiency, by A. Gulinatti (POLIMI)


 Authors: A. Gulinatti, F. Panzeri, I. Rech, P. Maccagnani, M. Ghioni, S. Cova

Presenter: A. Gulinatti

27th January 2011, contributed talk

SPIE Photonics West 2011

San Francisco, CA, USA

Q-ESSENCE WP2.1: Quantum optical detectors and random number generators

Single-Photon Avalanche Detectors for Quantum Communications, by S. Cova (POLIMI)


 Authors: S. Cova, M. Ghioni, F. Zappa, A. Tosi, I. Rech, A. Gulinatti, S. Tisa

Presenter: S. Cova

23rd March 2010, invited talk

Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OFC/NFOEC 2010

San Diego, CA, USA

Q-ESSENCE WP2.1: Quantum optical detectors and random number generators


Recent Quantm Tests with Photon Pairs, by A. Zeilinger (OEAW)


 Author: Anton Zeilinger

Presenter: Anton Zeilinger

7th October 2010, invited talk

International Conference on Quantum Information and Computation

KTH's Schools Sweden National Institute of Information and Communications, Stockholm, Sweden

What exists in the quantum world, by S. Ramelow (OEAW)


 Author: Sven Ramelow

Presenter: Sven Ramelow

19th July 2010, invited talk

Workshop Traunkirchen, Traunkirchen, Austria

Impossibility of mirror quantum mechanics, by C. Brukner (OEAW)


 Author: C. Brukner

Presenter: C. Brukner

18th February 2010, invited talk

Seminar, Institute of Theoretical Physics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Q-ESSENCE WP3.5: Entanglement-based quantum information processing

Correlations: Classical, Quantum and Beyond Quantum? by C. Brukner (OEAW)


 Author: C. Brukner

Presenter: C. Brukner

9th March 2010, invited talk

Vortrag im Rahmen des Chemisch-Physikalischen Gesellschaft

Vienna, Austria

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