
A presentation of a project, a talk or poster, etc.

Interfacing Rydberg atoms and solid-state devices

2015-03-11 - 2015-03-13

J. Deiglmayr, P. Allmendinger, F. Merkt, T. Thiele, M. Stammeier, and A. Wallraff (ETHZ)

RySQ Kick-Off Meeting and Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark

Rydberg spectroscopy above surfaces and in an ultracold gas

2015-03-11 - 2015-03-13

J. Deiglmayr, H. Saßmannshausen, P. Allmendinger, F. Merkt, T. Thiele, and A. Wallraff (ETHZ)

RySQ Kick-Off Meeting and Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark

Quantum Glass and the Hexatic Phase

Wolfgang Lechner (Invited Talk): Quantum Glass and the Quantum Hexatic Phase, International Conference on Quantum Optics 2014 (24 Feb. 2014).

Structural Glass and the Quantum Hexatic Phase

Wolfgang Lechner (talk): "Structural Glass and the Quantum Hexatic Phase with Cold Polar Molecules", Harvard University, (Aug. 2014).

Quantum simulation and cold atoms: from condensed matter to high energy physics

Marcello Dalmonte (OEAW.TH) talk:

  • Quantum simulation and cold atoms: from condensed matter to high energy physics, ITP Bern, Bern (CH), 06/02/2014.

Seminar at Seoul National University

M.B. Plenio, 25 November 2015, Seoul, South Korea: Diamond Quantum Devices: From Quantum Technologies to Biology and Medicine

Seminar at Universität Halle

M.B. Plenio, 29 October 2015, Halle, Germany: Diamond Quantum Device: Sensing and Simulation

Seminar at Huazhong University of Science & Technology

M.B. Plenio, 24 September 2015, Wuhan, Diamond Quantum Devices: Sensing, Simulations & Hyperpolarisation

Seminar at Center for Gravitational Research, Huazhong University of Science & Technology

M.B. Plenio, 24 September 2015, Wuhan: Precision Measurements and Fundamental Physics with Trapped Atoms and Ions 

Seminar at Imperial College

M.B. Plenio, 21 August 2015, London, United Kingdom: Diamond Quantum Devices: Sensing, Simulations & Hyperpolarisation

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