
QUSIM12, Bilbao, Spain, 23 Oct 2012

M. Dalmonte (P4b OEAW.TH) invited talk "Confinement phenomena and the cold atom lattice gauge toolbox"

Seminar, BEC Center, Trento, Italy, 05 Sep 2012

M. Dalmonte (P4b OEAW.TH) talk "Confinement phenomena and the cold atom lattice gauge toolbox"

Seminar in the group of Prof. U.-J. Wiese, Bern, Switzerland,12 Mar 2012

M. Dalmonte (P4b OEAW.TH) talk "Cold gas Hubbard toolbox for lattice gauge theories"

seminar Department of Physics, Stanford University, CA (USA), 3 Feb 2012.

Dr. O. Romero-Isart (P3 PMQ) Talk: “Quantum Superposition of Massive Objects”

Seminar Department of Physics, University College London, UK, 4 July 2012.

Dr. O. Romero-Isart (P3 PMQ)Talk “Bringing levitating microspheres into the quantum regime: from Optomechanics to Magnetomechanics”

Workshop on Theory of Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherence Lyon (France), 5-8 Jun 2012.

Dr. O. Romero-Isart (P3 PMQ) Talk “Large Quantum Superpositions of Nanospheres”

OSA's Cavity Optomechanics Incubator Meeting, Washington DC (USA), 1-2 Oct 2012.

Dr. O. Romero-Isart (P3 PMQ) Talk "Tests of Fundamental Theories”

Workshop Optomechanics on the Hudson, New York NY (USA), 2-4 Apr 2012.

Dr. O. Romero-Isart (P3 PMQ) Talk “Quantum superposition of massive objects and collapse models” “Levitating Quantum Mechanical Oscillators: from Optomechanics to Magnetomechanics”

IQIM Seminar, Caltech, Pasadena, USA, 2 Mar 2012


A. Pflanzer (P3 MPQ) Talk: “Optomechanics with levitating dielectrics: Theory and Protocols”

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